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I went back to school and sat in the back to not disturb the people who had already arrived.  Seconds after I sat down, someone called Doka up on stage.

I was confident, after encouragement from Murayama, Ryo and knowing that Jamuo missed me too and decided to give me another chance.  I knew I needed to prove that I'm a good friend and that includes watching the clarinet performance that Doka has been talking about for a long time.

She didn't see me and it was good because  I don't want to distract her.

Madoka started playing the clarinet with accompanying piano and she was great.  I don't understand anything about clarinets, but I know she was amazing.  Thank God I remembered it was today.

I was so proud when I applauded.

But again I felt bad for not being there when she was so nervous about the performance.

It took a while for them to announce the result.  I remembered watching cooking competitions on TV and how nervous I used to be, but live is a thousand times worse.  I wonder how Doka is feeling.

"And the winner...with entry number #9...Ishii Madoka-San."

I stood up once more to applaud, I was so happy for Doka and so happy I didn't miss out on such a special moment.

When she looked out into the audience, our eyes met and I saw her smile fall a little, but she soon recovered.

Now would be the hardest time, say sorry.

I went to school exit hallway to wait for Doka to come out so I could talk to her

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I went to school exit hallway to wait for Doka to come out so I could talk to her.  There I found Shinya, also waiting for her.

He looked at me and I didn't know if he was giving me the dirty look because he always has that expression and it always makes me a little freaked out.

"I know that you and Doka argued..." I slowly turned my head, when he suddenly spoke.  "She cares for you a lot and I care for her a lot. So please don't hurt her anymore..."

"I came to..." I was interrupted when Doka walked through the door, she looked first at Shinya who was sitting on a bench, then her gaze went up to me who was standing with my hands moving uncomfortably.

Shinya got up, spoke to her and looked at me before leaving, as an indication that I should go to Doka.

"Congratulations..." I said a little shyly, Doka was looking at me impatiently. "Could we talk somewhere else?" I said seeing how the other girls at school were looking at us, how they always look at me.

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