[Chapter 7]

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A/N~I'm gonna post three chapters today...cause I made more, but from next Sunday on until sometime in July I'm only gonna be posting one chapter per Sunday, because I'm study for a certification test for a medical assisting job, and I need to put 100% focus so I can pass, so yeah here's another treat, have a nice day reader <3

~First Day of School~

POV Mikey:

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

"Time to get up, honey!", I opened my eyes and stared around the room, landing on the ceiling, 'how early is it', I slipped over onto my side, slowly pushing myself up into a sitting position, and opened my phone, entering the password. Pulled down the screen and noticed a new notification, "First Day of School...", my voice grumbled as I stared at the screen, confused about what the words meant, *gasp*, "It's the first day of school!". I jumped out of bed, throwing the sheets off my legs, and quickly made my bed. I opened and looked inside my backpack, making sure I had all my stuff inside, 'Perfect', I zipped my bag shut, slipping on my crystal.

Picking up the clothes I set aside on my dresser, and put on my long-sleeve shirt that was stripped with two bright colors, orange and yellow, then slid on black loose pants that hung just below my ankles, and barely tucked in my shirt, loose enough to come off baggy. I slipped on my shoes and walked out of my room with my bag hung over my shoulder, tugging my shoes on correctly. "Ready for school?".

"Yep, I'm so excited", I pulled off my crystal, walking over to the twins who stared at the television, Jennika noticed me and reached up, "Good morning, honey bee~". I picked her up above my head and blew raspberries into her stomach, smiling as she started giggling, slowing the teasing, putting her back on the blanket, and picking up Lita, her attention still stuck on the TV. I looked at her and tried to get her attention, but she was too focused, I kissed her on the forehead and put her back down, her eyes never looked away. I turned around and walked over to the kitchen, leaning on the counter, "Hey Mom, where's my lunchbox, I swore I left it in my room".

"Oh yeah, I grabbed it and packed your lunch, it's over there", I looked and walked over, my lunchbox sitting carefully off to the side. I picked up my bag and slipped it inside my backpack, zipping it shut, I pulled out my crystal and placed it on my neck, slipping it into my shirt, "Well, I'm leaving, see you after school, bye mom and girls!". I walked over to the front door, opening it slowly, "Wait honey, if you have no homework, can you meet me at my dojo", I turned around shutting the door, so no one could look inside, "Yeah sure, just text me the address, and I'll meet you there" I replied, pulling out my phone to check the time, "Great, have a nice day", I smiled, "You too mom", waving back as I left the house, making my way to my new school.


I scrolled through my phone searching for a song to listen to, logging back into my music app, and playing the first song on the old playlist.

~Hug Me by Pharrell Williams, Trey Parker~

Exiting the music app, and turning off my phone, I walked down the street, looking at each building as I passed by them, searching for the school. Walking down the street I noticed the school a few blocks away, I pressed the crosswalk button, standing still while being crushed inside the crowd that was waiting to cross. Walking down the sidewalk, sliding through the many people, getting pushed and squeezed as people rushed by, running across the street as the road was clear of cars, and standing in front of the school. "Let's do this", I walked inside the building, staring at the wide hallways that were empty, with no students in sight, and saw an empty row of chairs, lining the side of the hallway. I walked over and dropped my bag onto the chair, pulling out my schedule and locker information, "Okay I have twenty minutes, first locker, Locker...#555".

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