[Chapter 29]

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POV Donnie:

"So you want to tell me why neither you nor Leo, said anything about this to me?!", I jumped as Raph shoved open the steel door, and yelled at me, slamming the door so loud, causing it to echo inside the lab, "Dude Raph, please. Tonight has been super stressful-"

"Stressful?! My night has been stressful!!! I finally saw Mikey after a full fucking year, finding out that he doesn't even remember us! You guys found out the kid was a mutant and didn't tell me! And I just found out that Mikey has been hiding from us, disguised as THAT FUCKING HUMAN!!! We've seen our brother, so many times-", I stared at Raph as he continued to yell, however, I noticed as more time passed by, the more I could hear the trembling in his voice, Raph tried to hide it multiple times, but I could still hear it, "-we've had so many chances to bring him home, why didn't we?!-"

"Because we didn't know!...", I pushed myself up from my desk and stood to my height, towering over Raph, I breathed out slowly, growing more and more annoyed by this interaction, "We didn't know, Raph...If I knew-If we knew, you know we would have done anything to bring him home, but. We. Didn't. Know...And do not fucking blame me for not telling you...", walking back to my desk I sat down and plugged in the flash drive, waiting for the file to pop up, "I've tried, multiple times to tell you...but every time I told you, you told me you were busy-"

"Then why didn't you say that it was something this important-"

"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LET ME", through the annoyance of the sudden disturbance that night, a tear fell down my cheek, was it from anger or was it stress from tonight's mission, for once in my life, I didn't know the answer, "You...never let me tell you about the kid...*Gasp* every time I said something about the kid, you told me you never cared, that you were too busy, and unlike you, I have been trying...day and night, trying to see who this kid really was...trying to see what he was hiding from us, trying to see what he knew about our brother, but I could never find out who or what he actually was because his mom always saw me watching no matter how hard I hid from her...she always found me", I turned and rested my head in my palms, trying to calm myself as I let out a shaking breath, tears still falling down my face, "Just leave..."

"Donnie, wait-"

"Leave, Raph..." my face dry of any tears, only showing the redness on my eyelids, puffy from minutes prior. Without saying a word, Raph left my lab, leaving with the most miserable expression his face ever held. Turning back towards my computer I stared at the file that popped up on the screen, 'No wonder it took so long to load', pages upon pages of the file loaded onto my screen, finally loading upon the title and description of the file.

Project Transformation Cell

For this project, Kraang has created a power cell with the ability to transform any non-human creature perfectly into an earthling, changing the entirety of the being's biological coding, ranging all the way from the texture and tone of the creature's integumentary system, all the way down to the creatures mutagenic or kraang-like DNA, turning the user into an earthling. When perfected the user should be able to go undetected by the beings of Earths, drawing blood, reading brain waves, even an internal exam, all will go undetected to humans, making it impossible for them to discover the user's true form.

I scrolled through the pages, it was all entries, however, for the first few pages, the kraang explained the mutants used for this project, I was confused to see that not one had their name put down, instead they had numbers. I counted each mutant, scrolling through the pages, only to find out there were thousands of mutants used for this project. Scrolling to the top of the file, I clicked on the first entry, finally after some time the entry loaded, the top showed two photos, one of a mutant while the other showed...something disturbing...

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