[Chapter 24]

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POV Mikey:

"Mikey! これを一掃するのを手伝ってくれませんか?!"

(Can you help sweep this up?!)

Walking down the stairs, I carried two of the many garbage bags over my shoulder and shoved the door open using my foot, on the way out I noticed Mom on the far side of the room, swiping page after page through a phone book, and scanning through the page with her finger, "はい、お母さん、手伝います、ゴミ出しだけです"

(Yeah, Mom, I can help, I just need to take out the trash)

Making my way over to the side door, I pushed the door open and slammed the bags next to the container, lifting the lid and throwing them inside as a rush of rotten smell pushed into my face, I instantly cringed and used my hand to fan away the smell, "Oh god, what the heck!", dropping the lid immediately, and plugging my nose. Turning around towards the door, I walked inside and picked up the trash bags only to be hit with the same terrible smell once more. Quickly turning around I made my way back upstairs, and grabbed the last two bags, tossing them over my shoulder as I ran downstairs, "Hey, Mom, it smells really bad upstairs, do you think I could stop by the store and pick some like air spray".


(Oh yeah, I noticed that earlier, I just thought it was the trash, but I guess not. Yeah just remind me, I'm trying to find someone who can fix your windows. Uh, when did you say April was getting here again?)


(Uh, let me check-)

Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through the previous conversation, "Uhhh, よくわからないけど、彼女は10分ほど前に出て行ったと言っていた"

(I'm not sure, but she said she left like ten minutes ago)

I finished off and walked out to the trash container, tossing the remaining trash into the bin, "So she should be here any minute-"

"Hey! Sorry it took so long, I wanted to stop by the store and pick us up a drink, here", walking in from the front door, April handed me a small can of root beer as she quickly sipped her own, taking the lukewarm can, I cracked open the top and took a big sip, releasing a loud sigh as I finished a couple gulps of the soda. "Thanks and dude, you're not late, we don't have alot to do, so come on"

Walking over to the front of the dojo, glass was sprawled out across the floor, and only one section of the mess was swept up. "So, what's the plan", walking off to the side, I picked up the broom and dustpan, setting them gently against the wall, "Alright, one person sweeps the glass and the other tapes the paper-"

"Dibs on the paper!", April yelled as she raced towards the large perfectly cut paper, holding the role of tape above her head, "What?! Brooooo, I was gonna do that!~", she continuously tossed the tape barely in the air, catching it over and over, "Well you snooze, you lose", I whined as I picked up the broom, and began sweeping up the glass, bringing all the shards into one huge pile, "I'll win next time, just wait"

"Yeah yeah...", I continued to sweep up the glass, wearing Mom's only rain boots just so I didn't cut myself. Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through my music app and decided to play a funky song.

~Party In The CIA by "Weird Al" Yankovic~

I moved out to Langley recently

With a plain and simple dream

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