The Published Truth

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I sigh as men in black march to my front door. I open the door casually and we trade such great banter.

"What can I do for you?" I ask finally.

They look at each other then one of them says, "We think you should come with us."

"Fine." I allow them to wait in the living room as I change into my old, torn Overwatch suit and follow the men out of the house.

These men work for Foresight, the successor to the now-disavowed Overwatch program. A council called Ops directs all Foresight operations. This program's first directive is the elimination of the Overlord and Overwatch. Our government won't admit they birthed a terrorist, thus Foresight's existence is top-secret. It won't be long before Foresight agents track down my parents and bring them in. Ops might already be talking with them, actually.

I'm essentially Foresight's jewel. They insist I sign as an official agent, but after the madness I saw at Overwatch, I abstain from the pen.

The Google Search "Catman" is somehow still the trendy. My Night Cat self is still some legend - some myth - that people discuss. Some of the stories online are funny. People really debate whether I have a tail or not (I don't, by the way). I don't know why having a tail matters so much to them. Some people theorize I wear a costume (Nope - I'm all natural).  More confused bloggers insist there's more than one Catman. "'How else can he move across Kiersten so fast?'" they reason.

There are hundreds of other blogs and theories on the Internet that have tried to chain and explain the events of last year. From what I'm reading, people are still trying to figure out whether I'm a human or a cat. Twitter is divided on whether the Night Cat is an evil creature that has to be stopped or a silent hero.

News sources are of little help, of course, as they are just as clueless as the masses. Last year's vague occurrences - the sudden disappearance of the catman, the bombing of Catalina Island, the siege at Kiersten's airport - are all available for the people's interpretation. Conspiracy theorists are plenty, but there are also citizens who still trust our government.

The published truth is that the United States of Asia hid a secret base on Catalina Island. The actual truth, the one I know to be true, is that the United States had nothing to do with Overwatch. The truth is I am a citizen of the nation is guilty of international espionage and responsible for supporting that Overlord maniac. The Collaborated Quarters of Bristol carpet-bombed its own island to bury the evidence.

The Foresight men lead me to their car. I demand to see my parents but the operatives turned me down, declaring "it's a matter of national security." I roll my eyes and ask where they are taking me.

The agent riding shotgun turns to me. "We are flying to Beijing, the capital of the United States, sir."

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