The Night Cat

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Seven, Carolyn, and the agents vaulted the handrail then joined Felix in cover. He was pointing his weapon stoically forwards in such position that awed even Carolyn.

The agents removed their water gear; Seven and Carolyn conversed out of earshot. Felix could hear everything: he picked up every word and breath that came out of their mouths. He could feel their lips moving, and sense every syllable. Felix understood clearly, but allowed their collusion to succeed. The Inner Feline demanded Felix focus only on his own agenda - which was different from Foresight's, Seven and Carolyn's, and the Overlord's.

An owl glided onto the ship's handrail. It was Wisdom, but Seven and Carolyn of course didn't know the owl was named so. They ceased their conversation, as the owl was glaring directly at them, as if the owl could understand them, as if the owl could understand premeditated betrayal.

See, dishonorable ambitions can only get one so far. Operation Aconite was never about confronting the Overlord,  yet Felix, Carolyn, and Seven saw it so. The difference between Felix and the other two is he has divine permission to disobey direct orders. The Inner Feline has authority over all - including Foresight's Ops members.

Felix wedged himself between Seven and Carolyn, wearing his nicest smile, and said, "Are we still mission go?"

"We're still operational," Seven declared. Felix gave him a nod which wasn't returned.


The ship was becoming wilder now, and even the Cat was having keeping his balance. The Overlord was not so composed, but nevertheless still covered himself with that feline insurance company called instinct.

The Cat's wrist weapon was useless. The Overlord was too quick to let an arrowhead pass through his defense. The Cat tried a roundhouse-kick, but the Overlord snatched his foot and tossed him across the room. The ship tilted. The Cat landed on the wall and anchored himself there, out of his opponent's reach. The senior broke off a marble lion's head and pitched it at the fly on the wall with all his strength. The Cat barely had enough time to leap away, and didn't even set a paw on the marble before the Overlord was at arm's length.

The Cat slid underneath the tackle, turned, then charged. He threw a fist, and a foot, and another fist, but they were all batted away. Claws came at the Cat's face fast; he skipped backwards and turned his face away. The claws caught and snipped some silver whiskers straight off. The Cat, still spinning, brought his leg up for a high, back kick. Hind paw met the Overlord's buff shoulder, giving the Cat just enough leeway to grab white fur. Black-furred paw rammed a white-furred hip, and then the white-furred creature received a knee to the nose. The ship jerked violently, ending the Night Cat's barrage.

He struggled for traction on the marble, and slid towards the far wall, even though he had all four paws on the ground. The Overlord had no such slippage, and healed as the Cat fell away with a mean glare on his face.

The Overlord's fur was moist with scarlet, while only sweat tricked through the Cat's fur.


The Foresight squads maneuvered into the lower decks, conscious about the risks. They had not been spotted thanks to their slick, coordinated movements. At the moment in the operation, the two squads would have to split up for their respective objectives. Seven and his squad were to steal the biochemical weapon which caused the infection's initial outbreak. Carolyn's squad had orders to destroy the ship's cannon breeches. Felix was to break off and deal with the anti-air batteries on his own.

Stealth was critical, as any of the squad's missions could be compromised should secrecy be broken. Seven and his squad had trouble finding the weapon; Carolyn and her men could not proceed until the virus was secured. The Seven Squad scrambled around blindly, darting into a hatch, snapping necks when necessary, and creeping down cold stairs which snickered at their panic. See, killing is easy for the Foresight agents. Moving bodies without getting spotted is harder. The inside of the ship was cramped and well-lighted.

Meanwhile, the Night Cat was having a swell time above, handling himself like a black snake, practically slithering between the Overwatch guards' legs without being noticed. Sight, smell, hearing, and the Inner Feline were his tools; he utilized them all to full effect. His hind paws made no sound as they tread the bitter steel floors: the Cat's light-footedness only helped him listen to the Overlord's henchmen. He was so deft with his senses, he could describe where his foes were at all times, what they were doing, and what they were talking about. With a little more concentration, the Night Cat just might've been able to hear the Overwatch guards' heartbeats, feel Carolyn's negative thoughts, and listen to sweat trickle down Seven's brow. Maybe the Cat in fact did all these things - he definitely felt Kassandra, who was, again, an ocean apart from him. He sighed.


The Knight panted as the Overlord's blood dripped down his claws. The ship swayed like a happy drunk man. The marble lions stood with their chests puffed up and their mouths open, as if yawning.

The Overlord healed once more and pounced, spinning in the air and claws first. The Night Cat leaped over the desperate attack.


It was then the Cat did a spectacular thing. He left and Felix took his place.

"I am here. I am the Knight of the Night. I am your match."

The Overlord charged Felix, waving his ugly claws angrily. Felix moved according to each swipe. He was certainly slower than the Knight, but he was just quick enough to protect himself from the Overlord's barrage. Felix's hands moved as if they had minds of their own; as if someone or something else was moving his hands for him, because the hands redirected the Overlord's paws much too perfectly as was humanly possible.


"I am, but you're even weaker," Felix replied with a smile. The ship shook unhappily, forcing the Overlord onto one knee. Felix was somehow unaffected. "A cat, you? With that balance?"


"She is fine and out of your reach."

"FOR NOW." The Overlord sprinted on all fours at Felix. The human loaded his weapon and shot. The Overlord swatted the pesky round before it touched his face, but in doing so, he no longer had an arm to spare for the incoming foot. Felix kicked the Overlord in the cheek with all his human strength. The Overlord flew sideways from how hard Felix struck.

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