So It's Not Key-less

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"Welcome to Foresight," said an agent, unlocking the door to Nelson's cell.

"What do you want?" Nelson asked.

"That's classified. Sorry. You'll know when we're there."

When the two walked out the front door of HQ, Nelson breathed in his surroundings. The agent noted Nelson glared his surroundings, on the verge of panic.

"Are you okay?" the agent wanted to know.

"Yes, it's just this place feels familiar."

"We're in El Segundo. Relax."

The building behind them, the headquarters, seemed like a university with its bright-green fields and sharp architecture. Across the street, outside Foresight's gates, was a shabby building with the dirty silhouette of a logo that had been removed. Nelson glared at this too, and after a second look, he recognized the insignia was the Aerospace Corporation's.

The agent walked up to a slick BMW and opened the driver's side door.

"This is yours?" Nelson wondered. The agent nodded.

"You didn't lock it when you parked?" Nelson asked.

"Uh, key-less entry, sir," the agent explained, holding up a plastic device. Nelson glared at this plastic device as well. He remembered there was a

The Foresight agent pushed a button marked "Engine Start" and the Beamer roared alive. "Key-less start," the agent said simply.

"So anybody can use this car?" Nelson asked.

The agent held the device up again and said, "This, right here, lets me use it."

"So your car isn't key-less," Nelson commented.

"Uh. Try not to think about it too hard."

Nelson lowered his gaze. He longed for the comfort he felt when his swords were on his back or in his hands. He stared soullessly into his cupped hands and ran a thumb over his calloused hands.

The agent gulped before he said, "It's okay, buddy."


Nelson went to train in their gym, only to find out he didn't really remember how to fight well. Sure, Nelson was strong, but he wasn't sure who he was anymore. He was 33 and firm, yet he'd missed out on the entirety of the "War on Terror."

Despite his dilemma, he continued working out, swearing to himself he'd make sure the Overlord was killed. Every day he realized how much the Overlord had robbed him of. He worked the punching bags, went to the firing range often, and ran until his body ached. He inspired the rest of the Foresight agents, who were mostly army veterans.

Nelson once again achieved a unique level of leadership. His name was Nelson, but the agents called him "Seven" or "Sir."

To them, he was a living legend. Nelson was one of the few who lived in the mysterious island base and lived.

Other survivors were few; the Overlord had most of his agents and recruits executed. Nelson, along with Carolyn, Felix, the Beast and the Overlord are among those who could possibly name the hundreds of bodies buried and scorched on Catalina Island.

Seven shared his Overwatch stories - why he was named Seven, how the Overlord brainwashed his agents, and what secret conspiracies he participated in, were all answers easily given. The agents looked grim as Seven laid out his sins before them.

Seven set the standards. He pushed the agents as far as his superiors allowed him to, and forced the muscular men to follow his every command without question. They submitted diligently; after all, no one could train them better than the Overlord's closest servant.

He told them the Overlord intended to clone an army of unstoppable cat-men. He made it clear the island was not an Asian spy base and that an out-of-control monster somehow exposed the island to the world.

All the while, Ops tuned in from the shadows and they too, learned the details.

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