Chapter 33: Unspoken Crush

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As they continued their journey, Althea couldn't help but feel her heart flutter whenever Sol was around. She had grown fond of Sol's strength, determination, and kind heart, and over time, she had developed a crush on her. However, she didn't want to risk ruining their friendship, so she kept her feelings to herself.

One day, while Sol was away attending to something, Althea found herself daydreaming about Sol. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about how much she admired her. Suddenly, Sol appeared, catching Althea off guard.

"What's so funny?" Sol asked, noticing the smile on Althea's face.

Althea quickly composed herself and replied, "Oh, nothing. Just something that made me laugh earlier."

Sol raised an eyebrow but didn't push further. Althea couldn't resist teasing her a little, though. "You know, Sol, you should've been there. You would've found it hilarious."

Sol smiled, intrigued. "Now, you have me curious. You'll have to tell me later," she said before going back to what she was doing.

Althea couldn't help but feel her heart race as Sol walked away. She knew that her feelings were growing stronger, but she still didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. So, she kept her crush to herself and continued to admire Sol from afar.

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