Chapter 42 the gift of protection.

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Sol knew that Finley needed protection, especially after what had happened. She decided to reach out to her old friend, Aric, an Arachne who was known for his weaving skills. She hoped that he could create armor for Finley that was both lightweight and protective, allowing him to be agile and quick on his feet.

It had been a long time since Sol had seen Aric, but she knew that he was someone she could trust. She reached out to him, explaining the situation and asking for his help in creating armor for Finley. Aric was happy to help, and he immediately got to work on crafting the armor.

Days passed, and Sol waited anxiously for Aric's response. Finally, she received a message from him, telling her that the armor was complete. She thanked him and made arrangements to meet him in a secluded area outside of town.

Sol and Althea arrived at the meeting spot, and Aric greeted them warmly. He led them to his workshop, where he revealed the armor he had created. It was made of a lightweight material, but it was strong and durable. Aric had even added some webbing to the armor, giving it a unique and intricate design.

Sol was impressed with the armor, and she knew that Finley would be too. She asked Aric to help them fit the armor to Finley's frame, ensuring that it was comfortable and secure. Aric obliged, and the three of them worked together to make sure the armor fit perfectly.

When they were finished, Sol thanked Aric for his help and gave him a small gift as a token of her appreciation. She and Althea left the workshop, eager to surprise Finley with his new armor.

When they arrived home, they found Finley practicing his Sol Style moves in the yard. Sol called out to him, and he turned to face them, a smile spreading across his face when he saw the armor.

"This is for you, Finley," Sol said, presenting the armor to him. "It was made by a friend of mine, Aric. He's an Arachne who is known for his weaving skills."

Finley was overjoyed at the gift, and he immediately tried on the armor. It fit perfectly, and he could feel how lightweight and flexible it was. He thanked Sol and Althea for the gift, promising to take good care of it.

Sol watched as Finley practiced his moves, now protected by the armor. She knew that he was safer now, and she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that there were still dangers out there, but she was confident that they could face them together as a family.

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