Merry Christmas

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Third person POV

"I don't know anything! Spare me!" BANG

"Your so noisy," the pinked hair man groaned as his bullet penetrated the victim's skull.

A wide grin forms on the man's face as the victim's head hits the ground with a loud thud. He views the five dead bodies in the room with excitement like a kid receiving his birthday present. The man dawned on a black suit with a loose fit tie, his rosy pink hair reaching down to his shoulders. Two diamond-shaped scars plastered on either side of his face gave him a dangerous aura but still couldn't hide the man's handsome features.

Humming softly, he slowly pulls all five bodies into the bathroom, dumping them in the tub. With a sadistic grin, the man turns on the tap, watching the water overflow as it mixes with the blood.

Sanzu's POV

"You know you lot look awfully better drenched in the lovely color of red. Almost, majestic if I do say so myself." I say admiring their bodies as the water engulfs them.

"Now what should I do with you," I grin, turning my attention to the blonde lady tied against the table leg. "YOU'RE A MONSTER!" She screams. How revolting. Maybe I should just shoot her? Her blonde hair would look quite exquisite against her red blood. "Now now my dear, we should be careful not to wake the others. Since this is quite the lovely apartment with plenty of residents." I say in amusement at her shivering body. "Let's see. The serial killer whose signature is to cut apart her victims, then carefully wrap them up in a box like a present. Quite the dangerous character you are." I hum sarcastically. She doesn't reply, so I continue. "Since it's your signature and all, I think it's best if we honor that. So how about I do the same to you? I'll be nice, you can choose which body part you'd like to be cut off first." I watch as the woman frantically screams, saying she's sorry and whatnot. Seems like she's lost it, a pity. The toy broke too fast.

I fetch a blade from the kitchen then slowly approach the fucked up bitch.




Hmm? Seems like she's out cold. What a party pooper. I still have 1 leg, 2 eyes, 2 ears, and 1 head left. "Oh well, guess I'll have to finish it off like this. Mikey did say not to take too long." I hum, happily slicing the rest of her body and then shoving it all into a white box with a red ribbon as a final touch.

My King 👑


It's done|

|My King 👑

|Was the woman useful?


Not sure I'd call a crying coward useful|

|My King 👑

|Guess this one is another failure

|Get rid of the police on that bitch's tail

|Also get me some dorayaki on the way back


Ur wish is my command|

I take one last look at my spectacular work and locked the door, humming as I make my way back to my car.

Merry Christmas dear ~

Merry Christmas dear ~

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