A Dance with The Devil

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Rin's (or your) POV

"Hands up or I'll shoot~," the voice hums in a stern yet playful tone as a gun makes contact with the back of my head. I comply, lifting my arms in the air.

"Good girl~," a low seductive voice whispers in my ear. His hot shaky breath sends shivers down my neck.

"Is this the part where I should be pleading for my life?" I question in a playful tone, earning a small chuckle from the latter.

"Well~~ I'd love to see you beg if that's what your asking~~," the man growls in my ear.

"Oh well~, I guess we both can't get what we want," I reply flirtatiously back.

"Who knows~, maybe I will get want I want~~." Sanzu hums as his free hand begins slowly trailing up my thigh.

"Too bad you're not wearing a skirt~," he whispers playfully in my ear while his hand reaches my shorts.

Sanzu's POV

My hand trails from her shorts to her waist, admiring her beautiful body.


A blade shoots up which I skillfully dodge by tilting my head slightly but in that split second, Rin's dagger now displays itself in front of my neck while my gun points toward her chest.

Third person POV

The pink-haired male chuckles at the situation before him as his eye lock onto the woman's.

"How about I make you beg instead~," she grins playfully.

Beg. A word that was foreign to the man known as Sanzu Haruchiyo.

"Hate to break it you beautiful but the word beg doesn't exist in my dictionary~," the man playfully sings.

"Hmm... Then let me ask you this~~ I am your Queen aren't I?" Rin asks flirtatiously.

"I thought I already made that clear?" Sanzu questions raising an eyebrow at her question.

"Well I wanna hear it again~ Am I or am I not your Queen?" She hums, eyes locking with the man before her.

The man chuckles softly before replying, "You're my Queen~~ Happy?"

"Now then since you admit that I'm your Queen that means you should be begging and bowing to me~~." The purple-haired woman hums playfully.

"Should I now?" The man smirks

"But of course, ~~ Queens do not beg or bow down to her subjects, it's quite the other way around~~." She replies loosening her grip on her dagger then skillfully twirling herself away from the man.

It was a strange feeling that overwhelmed the man. He was charmed, addicted to her poison. So mesmerized that he even considered bowing down on his knees if it meant she would become his.

Rin's (or your) POV

Sanzu breaks out in a fit of laughter, "That's one way to put it~."

"Then let us see who makes the other kneel first~," I hum, throwing two knives in his direction which he skillfully dodges.


My dagger collides with his pocket knife as we both enter a dance of blades.


Third person POV

Someone once said that to leave hell, one must first dance with the devil. But have you ever wondered what would happen if two devils danced together? What kind of dance would it be? Would it be one covered in blood and death? Or a clashing of blades? Or even a dance of words?

Sanzu Haruchiyo and Rin Haitani were no angels, rather, they were akin to demons. To devils. Their dance was filled with endless madness and insanity. A dance in which the song was played by the clashing of blades.

Sanzu's knife beautifully collides with Rin's daggers as if the two blades were created for the sole purpose of colliding with one another. Their blades shimmered under the bewitching moonlight, with their figures gracefully dancing around the room. Colliding in a state of mania. A state of hysteria.

Under the mysterious alluring moon, two devils began their dance. A dance of insanity. And this very dance marked the beginning of something uncontrollable. Something that once touched will forever remain. An addiction with no cure. It was a dance that marked the point of no return. One in which the man known as Sanzu Haruchiyo and the woman known as Rin Haitani had their fates sealed together. Forever intertwined.

Sanzu's POV

I flip my knife in such a way that causes one of Rin's dagger to fling itself into the floor, while my gun holds down her other dagger. With a grin, I lock both her hands behind her back with my tie causing her to groan slightly as my grip tightens.

"Now~~ I think an inspection is highly needed~," I hum softly in her ear while my hands begin trailing her body.

I start from her jean pockets to find 2 black switchblades and 2 handheld guns attached to her waist which I toss on the floor. My hands make their way up as I pull open her blazer to reveal 10 throwing knives and 2 tranquilizers. Tossing her whole blazer onto the floor, I trail her arms as another 2 hand-held guns wrap perfectly onto her shoulders.

"2 switchblades, 4 handheld guns, 2 tranquilizers, 10 throwing knives, and plus the two daggers you used previously. Don't you have quite the dangerous collection?" I whisper in a low flirtatious tone in her ear.

"Well~~ The worlds a dangerous place~~," She hums playfully as my hands tightly grip her waist.

Rin's (or your) POV

'I still have two blades tucked in my boots along with poison in my earrings,' I thought to myself while Sanzu begins giving soft kisses to my neck.

"Are you gonna loosen the tie or.. aghh?" I groan as his leg begins grinding me.

"I will when you beg for me~~," he whispers in low raspy voice, turning my hand toward him.

"Didn't I say that Queens don't beg?" I retort, moving up to capture our lips together.

My tongue dances on his lips asking for entrance, causing the man to smirk as he allow me entry.

I will make you go down on your knees for me~

I will make you go down on your knees for me~

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