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Hiroshi Fuji's POV (Genius investigator)

I lay down on what appears to be an old worn-down coach in an abandoned building waiting for Jay to arrive with the tracking equipment.


A switch knife sharply grazes my cheek, leaving a trail of blood down my face. I jump up instantly, taking a step back while keeping my eyes toward the direction of the knife.

"It's been a while, guess my aim was a little off." A deep playful voice hums in the shadows.

"Who are you?" I say on edge, trying my best to make sense of the shadow figure by the window.

"Hmm... An assassin I guess?" The man answers questioningly, unsure of himself.

I gulp slightly at the thought of being in the same room as a killer without any weapons for self-defense.

"Bold of you to show yourself in front of the police. Aren't you scared I'll arrest you? Killing is illegal," I say, standing proud while forcing down my panic inside.

"Well it's only illegal if I get caught," the man hums playfully yet a dangerous aura also lingered in his voice.

BANG! Another blade comes flying in my direction and just barely misses my neck, leaving a shallow cut. Sweat begins running down my face as I slowly take a step back, eyeing the exit.

"How about we play a game?~~" The voice growls playfully.

"Game?" I mutter.

"Yes~~ I have three more knives on me, if you manage to not get killed after I throw all three then I'll let you go~~." He hums in a low mischievous yet sinister tone.

'What kind of fuck up game is this?' I curse mentally, nodding slightly toward the man shrouded in the shadows.

BANG! A knife flings itself toward my heart as I just barely dodge, but a sharp shallow cut still pierced through my skin.


"Two left~~ Try not to break too fast for me~~," The man sings playfully throwing another blade which misses my heart again but pierces itself into my shoulder. Putting a hand on the knife, I pull it out, hissing at the pain as a trail of blood drips down my shoulders. Slowly, I fling the blood-stained blade on the ground. As my eyes look up, another blade shoots itself in the direction of my neck. I tense up at the quick speed.

'Fuck. It's too close, I can't dodge in time,' I curse mentally as sweat begins building up. Squinting my eyes, I brace myself for the impact.... nothing. I wait a few seconds before opening my eyes again, to find the knife stabbed into a thick book inches away from my face. 'Book?' I thought to myself, looking to my left to find Loki.

"Loki? What's she doing here?" I mumble quietly.

"Still alive?" She hums, eyes glued to the mysterious man before us.

"Yes!" I say, finally able to breathe properly.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! WHAT HAPPENED!!" Jay shouted as he entered, racing toward me.

"He needs a doctor," Loki voices, signaling Jay and me to leave to which we comply.

I eyed the shadowed man one last time before exiting, to my surprise he just let us go relatively easy.

Sanzu's POV

"Looks like you made it just in the nick of time, My Queen~," I say, spinning a gun around my fingers.

"Couldn't have the game end that easily~~," she replies, pulling out the knife embedded in the book.

I chuckle slightly, revealing myself from the shadows causing Rin to smirk as our eyes meet.

"Miss me?" She hums softly, seductively making her way toward me.

"That's a dangerous question," I growl in her ear as she begins fiddling with my tie.

Rin's (or your) POV

Sanzu's hands began trailing up my thighs as they then proceed to tightly grab my waist. He smirks seductively, leaning in to give me soft kisses on my neck.

"God, your so addicting~," he groans, deepening his kisses to form a trail of hickeys.

I wrap my arms around the man's neck causing the latter to try and trap our lips together.

Sanzu's POV

Rin's hand blocks my mouth as I try to kiss her causing me to raise an eyebrow at her confused.

"Not until the games over~," she hums playfully, loosening her hold.

"Well then better start praying for help from above, My Love~~," I smirk in response.

"My idea of help from above is a sniper on the roof," Rin retorts, wiggling out of my embrace.

BANG! A throwing knife flings itself past my face, cutting off a strand of my hair, and embedding itself into the walls.

"Catch me if you can~~," she hums playfully as she exits the room.

I chuckle softly, making my way to the knife to find a piece of paper tucked in between the wall and the blade. Pulling out the note, I view the contents as a wide grin forms on my face.

Once you're caught, better be prepared to be forever mine ~

Once you're caught, better be prepared to be forever mine ~

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