Rubik's cube

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Rin (or your) POV

I groan as the morning rays hit my eyes, lifting my head to see a sleeping Ran. Bet the police would be horrified if they knew how deeply I'm entangled with two Bonten executives. There's a shit ton of people who would kill for information on my two older brothers, after all, they are two of the most dangerous individuals in all of Japan.

My eyes drift to the clock displayed on the TV "6:12 AM." Still early I thought to myself then proceeding to snuggle back into Ran's arms, drifting back to sleep.

Time skip ~~~~ Six hours later

The smell of food awakens me from my slumber, I groan, nuzzling my face into the curve of Ran's neck. He chuckles, pulling me in. "Awake princess?" He hums, hugging me tight. "Five more minutes," I mumbled still half asleep. "It's already 12, your gonna waste the whole day away. Plus, Rindou made pancakes. Don't want them to get cold." He replies softly.

"Up we go!" In an instant, Ran lifts me as he starts to make his way into the kitchen. "I want coffee, Iced." I hum as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Your wish is my command," he responds, laying me down on a bar chair by the kitchen island.

I watch as he grinds the coffee beans, softly placing them in the machine. Soon the delicious aroma of coffee fills the room along with a sweet scent of pancake batter. I switch my attention to Rindou, watching him douse the pan with oil and plop the fluffy batter in, letting it sizzle then flip.

Sanzu's POV

I awoke with a buzzing in my head as I gulp down two pills. Forcing myself up, I make my way to the living room. Fumbling through the shelves, I pulled out a pack of cigarettes and then proceeded to take a drag. I groan as my headache still hasn't disappeared, then down another two pills while plopping myself on the couch.

Taking another drag of the cigarette, my eyes land on the Rubik's cube from the purple-haired beauty. On closer inspection, the cube appeared to have markings on it. Probably the result of a black marker. Intrigued, I decided to solve it since it was not like I have anything better to do. A part of me also felt attracted to this mysterious woman's antics. Not like every girl you meet shows you a murder scene for entertainment or calls people prey.

As I begin to fiddle with it, I chuckle remembering how she was so absorbed in this puzzle that she didn't even look me in the eye for a solid 15 minutes. The lighting was dim in the bar and quite dark in the alleyway as well, so I didn't get to see her face clearly. But she was definitely a beauty with a figure like a model. Her purple hair was especially beautiful as it shimmered against the moonlight.

CLICK! I turned my focus back onto the Rubik's cube as I solved the last piece. Spinning it in my hands until the marker lines caught my eyes. After solving the puzzle, seven digits were revealed, as they spread around the cube. A grin forms on my face as I chuckle, amused at the numbers before me.

I quickly fetch my phone from my pocket and enter those seven digits.

Beautiful ❤️


Quite the puzzle you gave me gorgeous|

So what will be our next game ~

So what will be our next game ~

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