A State of Mania

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Mania: an excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession.

Sanzu's POV

I lean against the walls, viewing My Queen humming to herself softly as she makes a cocktail. "Her figure looks enchanting~," I whisper, taking a minute to admire her beauty.

Slowly and steadily I approach the gorgeous purple-haired woman, wrapping my arms around her thin waist.

"I finally caught you, Mi Tesoro~," I hum softly into her ear.

Rin's (or your) POV

"You sure took your precious time~," I respond, continuing to make my cocktail.

"Missed me?" The man replies playfully as he tightens his grip around my waist.

"I don't know did I?" I respond teasingly, turning around to face the man with my back now against the bar counter while his arms cage me in.

"Well I missed you~," he growls softly into my ear causing me to shiver slightly as his hot, shaky breath touches my neck.

"How about that date now?" The man smirks, eyes locked with mine.

"I guess you do deserve a little award now, don't you~," I hum pulling on his tie, closing the distance between us with our lips inches apart.

"Don't play with me now, princess~," he growls in a low raspy voice.

I smirk eyeing his lustful eyes, "But I love games~." I hum as I began to tug playfully on the man's tie. Unwrapping it slowly, I began to undo his buttons just enough to reveal his collarbone. Smirking at his hungry eyes, I wrap my arms around the man's neck, "What game should we play now?~~"

"How about my game~," he replies, pinning me harder onto the counter as his leg moves in between mine. With a smirk, he slams his lips onto mine.

Third person POV

It was a strange feeling they both shared. Although the man and the woman only had a few encounters, they felt a unique compulsion toward each other. One in which both couldn't quite understand nor describe.

Sanzu Haruchiyo was a psychotic, messed-up individual. He was a murderer, a killer, a maniac, a criminal, and any other fucked up shit you could think of. The man was simply a lunatic, someone who had no morals. Aside from his king, Mikey, no one could control the man. No one was capable of commanding Sanzu Haruchiyo, or at least that was what he thought...until he met her.

Rin Haitani was a woman who avoided all things troublesome, yet she was willing to do anything to keep her empire from falling. She was a manipulative, cunning, and deranged individual. Someone who only did things that piqued her interest, who view everything aside from her brothers as chess pieces on a board. For she was the game master, deciding which pieces were useful and which should be disposed of. Originally, this game of tag was only a way for her to relieve her boredom. But somewhere along the way, things became twisted. He began changing her.

In the dim, warm lights of the bar, the pink-haired male roughly and passionately kisses the purple-haired beauty as both tongues fought for dominance. Both the man and the woman were people who hated losing. Their pride and love for winning overpowered them as they fought to take control. With each kiss, the man pins her harder against the counters, causing small moans to escape from the woman. To which she responds by gently teasing his lower lips, earning a low growl from the latter.

Rin's (or your) POV

Sanzu pulls away for a second as he groans, lifting me up onto the counter and then roughly slamming his lips back onto mine. His hands grip my waist tighter, as he deepens the kiss. The man's kiss was hot, passionate, and very rough. Yet he was also gentle, holding me tight.

We break the kiss, panting for air as I slowly stroke my fingers through his hair, pulling his bangs back revealing a pair of blue lustful eyes.

"You wouldn't happen to have a bed in this bar of yours would you?" He hums softly, eyes locked on mine.

"This is a bar, not a hotel~," I reply giving soft kisses to his neck.

"Sofa then? I'd love to take you here and now but wouldn't want to hurt that beautiful back of yours~," he groans as I leave a small hickey.

"Didn't peg you to be the considerate type~," I say looking back up at the man, stoking his rosy pink hair.

Third person POV

Considerate. That was a word that would suit anyone but Sanzu Haruchiyo. The man was anything but considerate or kind, yet when it came to her it was the best word to describe his actions. Rin Haitani was the only woman capable of bringing this side out of him. The only one.

When it came to her, he was gentle. Careful not to harm her and most important he had an indescribable desire for her. He wanted her. All of her. To become his and his alone. An overwhelming lust and greed overcame the man. He had become addicted to her poison. His thirst and hungry only grew as he held her in his arms.

Sanzu's POV

I groan slightly as she nipples on my ear.


In an instant, I slam my lips back onto hers, kissing her deeply. Pulling her closer to me, my hands make their way up her skirt earning a whimper from her. 'How sexy,' I thought to myself, once again asserting my dominance in our kiss.

"Sofa? Or bed?" I say in between the rough kisses as I lift her up in my arms.

"Upstairs~," she hums, giving me soft kisses on my neck.

Third person POV

The man stumbles into an apartment on the top floor of the bar's building, slamming the woman against the walls. Once again roughly and passionately kissing her, "Which room?" He pants, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck. "Third door~," she replies before the man slams his lips back onto hers.

It was probably not the best decision for the woman to sleep with a murderer or for the man to sleep with an unknown individual. But at the moment neither cared. It may have been wrong but also felt so right. They were both enchanted with each other. Wanted each other.

In a state of mania ~

In a state of mania ~

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