A Gift

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Third Person POV (at one of Bonten's mansions)

A short white-haired male sits on the kitchen counter, gulping down a tub of Japanese sweets as an older rough-looking man grunts, cleaning up his mess. "Mikey, slow down. You're gonna get indigestion." The man scolded which only earned a glare from the shorter one.

"Takeomi, stop bothering our three-year-old king," Sanzu shouted from the living room as he fiddled with his switch knife. "Yeah, stop bothering me," the hungry male yelled in agreement before fully processing the latter's words. "Wait, I am not a three-year-old!" He pouts which causes everyone to chuckle.

Sanzu's POV

DING! A new notification draws my attention from the boss to my phone.

Beautiful ❤️

|Beautiful ❤️

|Who makes it, has no need for it

|Who buys it, has no use for it

|Who uses it, can neither see nor feel it

|You have until 3 pm ~

I feel like I'm going fucking crazy. One text from her and immediately my mood gets better. She's just like my drugs. A single lift of her fingers makes me addicted and high.


So I have a time limit on this one?|

|Beautiful ❤️

|Better hurry up then ~


God, I can't wait to take you on that date|

I look at the time as I grab my blazer off the couch, '8:19 am'. Seven hours left huh? Better hurry. Grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter, I make my way out the door.

Third person POV

"Where are you going?" Koko asks as he watches the pink-haired male rush on his shoes, scrambling to keep balance.

"On a treasure hunt," the man replies, smirking as he exits.

"It's a girl. Totally a girl," Kakucho voices as he plops himself on the couch.

"Last time I checked, that crazy motherfucker wasn't one to be that excited over a girl," Takeomi remarks.

Sanzu's POV

I scramble into my car, pulling out my phone as I eyed the riddle again.

Who makes it, has no need for it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it, can neither see nor feel it.

"Buys it? Does it mean it's an object that can be bought at a store?" I question, backing out of the parking lot as I start driving towards a shopping center.

Time skip ~~~ At the shopping center

My eyes scroll through the stores, repeating the riddle in my head. "She really knows how to give me difficult problems," I mutter.

'11:03 am', it's been almost three hours in this fucking center, and still nothing. "No clues. Nothing," I sighed sitting down on a bench and pondering her message. 'Maybe it wasn't an object? Who the fuck would buy something if they have no use for it? Neither see nor feel it? Does that mean they're dead then?' I thought to myself.

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