The Cheshire Cat

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Third person POV

In a dull worn-down warehouse a pink-haired male sits atop a wooden box, eyeing the two letters in front of him.

"What's happening?" A long white-haired man asked as he entered meeting a messy room scattered with papers but organized enough so they didn't overlap too much.

"Bars? Are you opening another one?" He questioned, picking up one of the papers.

"Don't touch anything! You'll ruin my organization!" The latter replied, eyes still glued to the writing before him.

"What organization? This place looks like it just got robbed?"

Koko's POV

'The fuck is wrong with him? Why is he searching up all the bars in Japan like a madman?' I thought to myself as I watched Sanzu hop down from his perch and proceed to spread out more sheets of paper. The man walks back and forth, pinning certain pictures on the bullet board while angrily ripping other ones.

'Sanzu had always been crazy but recently he's been more psychotic. Sometimes he seems high when he hasn't even taken a single drug. Like what the fuck?' I groaned mentally, giving up on the insane motherfucker.

Sanzu's POV

I watch as Koko sighs and proceed to leave saying "I don't get paid enough for this shit," to which I ignore and focus my attention back to the papers before me.

"She really has me working. Does she know how many fucking bars there are in Japan?? And she wants me to pinpoint one??" I sigh looking back at the two pieces of paper each labeled 'B' and 'A' respectively. On closer inspection, the papers each have a cat smile at the corners.


Something like this ;)


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'Cat? Smile? The Cheshire cat! But what does that have to do bars?' I thought to myself as I pulled out my phone searching up bars with something similar.


"Great," I groan going back to the pile of paper scattered around the room until a certain picture caught my attention. The photo showed a bar in an alleyway that appears to be connected to a café building. The bar had a pure black door with a white smile in the middle just like the one on the papers. The smile of the Cheshire cat. Underneath it in bold white paint wrote "You must be MAD or you wouldn't have come here..." Next to the door laid a black board with a wooden frame stating, "Mad Hatter's Bar."

That's it!

The Cheshire cat is in 'Alice in Wonderland' and one of the main characters is the infamous 'Mad Hatter.'

Found it ~

I'm on my way My Queen ~ ❤️

Rin's (or your) POV (at the café)

"You know you've been at the bar a lot recently," Sakura stated while Kaeda paints flowers on her nails.

"There's something that I'm waiting for~," I hum, decorating mini coffee cakes.

"Something or someone?" She teases.

"That's a secret~." I reply.

"Humph! You better let me meet this person eventually!" She huffs, cooling down her nails.

"Quick question guys, which flower should I do next?" Kaeda asks as she lines the nail polishes in a neat row.

"Roses! They're romantic and beautiful!" Sakura exclaims, waving the red and pink nail polishes in the air.

"Belladonna~," I hum.

"Belladonna? Isn't that the poisonous flower?" Kaeda questions.

"Poisonous??" Sakura shouts eyes darting to me.

"It's pretty though. Beautiful yet hazardous. It's my favorite flower. The flower known as 'the deadly nightshade.' Belladonna~." I reply while drizzling a layer of chocolate over the cakes.

"Your the only one I know who would have a poisonous flower as their favorite," Sakura responds as she blows on her nails.

"It's actually not a bad idea. The dangerous beauty vibe," Kaeda says deep in thought on her new nail design.

"While she's doing.... whatever she's doing? Are you coming to the party the girls are having?" Sakura asks.

"I have plans~," I hum playfully.

"Plans?? Your not gonna stay at the bar again?? Are you? It's closed today isn't it?"

"As the owner it's only natural to want to check on its quality."

"Or your waiting for a special someone?"

Someday someone will come into your life. They'll break down all the walls you built around your heart.

God why am I remember that now?

"There is no such person," I reply.

"Hmmm. Who knows, maybe someday someone will come bursting into your life and change everything~," she smiles flashing her nails in the sunlight.

And all it takes is one person to change everything.

"What do you mean, my life is perfect thank you very much. I have Ran and Rindou, plus you guys."

"All it takes is one person," she winks showing her couple necklace to me.

One person to break down all your walls. Show you the world you never thought you'll see.

I don't need change.

So why am I waiting? ~

So why am I waiting? ~

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