Mi Tesoro ~

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Third person POV

The pink-haired man groans as his car engine refuses to turn on. Slamming the wheels multiple times, he sighs in frustration as he angrily steps out. In a fit of anger, the man vanishes into the warehouse to come back with a big axe. Taking a huge swing, he begins beating up the car.

"Fuck!" The man cursed, slamming another rough swing which causes the windows to shatter.

"What the fuck!?" Kakucho shouts as he avoids a glass fragment.

"What did I miss?" An older male with a large scar over his eye questions looking up at the madman before him.

"Nothing much. Just Sanzu acting like a psycho," Koko hums eyes glued to his phone, searching for new cars to replace the destroyed one.

"Didn't he forget to take his drugs this morning? Shouldn't he be sane right now?" Kakucho says as he and Takeomi raises an eyebrow to which Koko just shrugs.

Time skip ~~~ Later at night in the bar ;)

Rin's (or your) POV

'7:31 pm,' I read off my watch, sitting alone on the bar counter and viewing the empty seats. Originally I hadn't planned to open a café, instead, I only needed a place for me to interact with my clients and a bar fit the standards perfectly. It allowed me to hide my identity while gathering significant intel and customers, the perfect place to get in contact with 'Loki'. The café was completely my brother's idea, something about a place where I can relax.

"A bar? Your planning to open a bar?" Rindou questioned as he sat down next to me, pulling me into his embrace. "I need to create a place for 'Loki', like a base of sorts, a way for me to engage with my clients." I hum snuggling into his arms. "You don't have to do all the work and personally open one do you, princess? We can just give you one of the many bars we have?" He questions as he put a finger through my hair.

"I have the perfect place!" Ran shouted as he barged into the living room, plopping himself next to me. "You do?" I question looking up at the eldest. "Yup! It even comes with a built-in café on the side! The two are separate of course except for a secret door connecting the two. But for customers, they seem like two different establishments!" He replies showing me photos of the layout.

To be honest, starting a café seemed like more work than necessary. If it wasn't for Ran's pestering I probably won't have opened one. But, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Just like they said, it became a relaxing sanctuary for me. One that escaped the gruesome side of my true profession. No blood. No killing. No manipulating. Just simply 'normal'. A world that I have never experienced.

"Mi Tesoro," Ran hummed as he pulled me away from Rindou, hugging me tight. "Mi Tesoro?" I question returning the hug. "For the name~," he replies loosening his grip so I could adjust myself comfortably in his arms. With my back now against Ran's chest and his arms around my waist, I look up at Rindou as he smiles softly. "It means 'my treasure'," he says. "Or in this case 'our treasure'," Ran voices hugging me tighter.

"Mi Tesoro," I hum to myself as I eyed my empty glass. From that day on, it had become my favorite phrase. A smile small tugs at the corners of my lips as I approach the drinks, beginning to make myself another cocktail.

"I finally caught you, Mi Tesoro~," a voice hummed softly as a pair of arms snaked around my waist.

Playtimes over princess ~

Playtimes over princess ~

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