Final Round

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Third person's POV (In an abandoned hotel building)

Have you ever wondered how a dance between two devils will end? When two crazy psychopaths engage in a fucked up game who will win?

The pink-haired man smiles as he sits atop a throne created with the corpses he devoured. Laughing like a madman, he enjoys the scenery before him as blood drips from his knife. This was the man's domain, his kingdom. One in which everything was stained with the brilliant color of red.

The old rundown hotel garage that once welcomed many with lights and smiles now dawned the sickening scent of flesh and blood. An appearance most fitting for the man known as Sanzu Haruchiyo.

"Should we begin the final round, beautiful?~~" The man hummed playfully, stepping down from his pedestal of corpses.

Within the deepest parts of said building, hidden between many secret rooms, a woman grins as she observes the man's actions. Her purple hair gleams against the shine of the monitors before her.

Sanzu's POV

I enter the building, only to be met with a wall of guns directed at the entrance.


BANG! BANG! BANG! Simultaneously, they begin their war of bullets.

I quickly hide myself behind a wall pillar, groaning as a bullet grazes my arm.


"She really knows how to play huh?" I say, pulling out my gun.

"Two can play that game~," I smirk, aiming at the guns while using the pillar to shield myself from the bullets.


One down.


That's two.


I quickly slide myself behind the reception desk, pointing my gun toward the snipper on the top floor.


My eyes trail around the room until they land on a certain panel.

"Found it~," I grin, jumping over the desk counter while shooting two guns aimed at me down to the floor. Taking out my switch knife, I aim straight for the panel.


As soon as my knife makes contact with the panel, the guns stop firing. Moving closer to one of the guns, I pick it up to examine. A thin wire was tightly and neatly wrapped around the trigger, in a way that if the wire was pulled a certain way, it would start firing.

"What a smart design~ That's My Queen for you~~ Badass~~," I smirk.

Hiroshi Fuji's POV

I groan, waking up to find myself tied up against a chair with a rough bag over my face.

"Oh~~ Awake?" A voice hummed playfully causing me to tense up.

"Who are you?" I say, trying my best to keep cool.

"A guard?" The voice answers questionably.

"Who's the guard?" I ask, maintaining my composure.

"Yours~~," the voice happily replies.

My guard? Then why the fuck am I the one chained up like some prisoner? And this voice... where have I heard it before? From what it sounds like, it should belong to a woman in her twenties. A soft playful tone, yet something about it screams danger. Every fiber of my being is telling me to get away. It's dangerous.

"Now now~~, like I said I'm a guard. And the definition of a guard is to protect not kill, so no need to be so on edge~~," she hums playfully.

"Then why am I tied up?" I mutter quietly.

"It's safer that way~. Can't have you running off on your own now can I?" She replies with an amused tone.

Rin's (or your) POV

I grin at the masterpiece of bondage I learned from Ran. Perfect. If I do say so myself.

My eyes return to the security monitors as I watch Sanzu enter a bathroom stall. Bathroom? He sure is taking his precious time. Well the longer you take, the better for me~.

Time skip ~~ A few minutes later

"So he chose that one~~," I hum playfully as I watch him exit the bathroom and enter the third floor, skipping over the second.

I made sure to incorporate many traps and fun games throughout the entire building. Depending on his luck, he could either encounter the relatively easy ones or... let's just say he may never find his way back~.

The third floor was covered in poison, my personal creations after multiple trial and errors. It involved the poison of the belladonna. The deadly nightshade.

"Now then, how good are you with poison? Better not get too addicted~~," I hum, viewing the pink-haired man within my poison chamber.

"Too late, I already got addicted~~," a low seductive voice growled softly in my ear as two arms snaked their way around my waist.

Sanzu's POV

I wrap my arms around Rin's waist, smirking as her eyes widen slightly.

Caught you, My Queen~

Caught you, My Queen~

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