Chapter 1: Gone Rogue, Meeting and New World

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Ruby and Blake had a amazing day but soon it will turn into the worst day in their entire life, they have just been at a coffee shop hanging out with Pyrrha and her boyfriend/team leader Jaune, Penny, Velvet and Coco, when they got back to beacon they were going to their friends until they pass a door where Velvet ears perked up wich made the group turn around as to see what's wrong when Velvet motion them and tell them about Ozpin, Glynda, Weiss, Yang, Ren, Nora and Team CRDL to come towards her as she points to a door as the open it a little to make sure they could be heard what was being said in there and what they heard made Ruby and Blake cry as they couldn't help but want to leave

Glynda: Why is it we are keeping Miss Belladonna and Miss Rose, Blake is former member of the White Fang while Ruby is to childish she haven't even activated her silver eyes

Weiss: Blake shouldn't even be here, she should be locked up after what she have done and Ruby, why is she here still, because of her eyes, mabye they won't even work because of how much of a child she is

Yang: Ruby may be a strong girl, but she is to much in her shell and act so careless, I am happy she got in here but it would have been better if she just waited till she was old and mature enough to be here

Cardin: And I speak probably for everyone here that Blake could be the worst influence for Ruby do to her past, plus if it wasn't for Blake's fighting experience she wouldn't have been here

Ren: I can't believe I say this but i agree with Cardin, Blake's past make her untrustworthy, why Ruby is still her friend is beyond me

Nora: Agree, but the fact Jaune and Pyrrha is friends with those two is beyond me, how come they know of Blake's past and how Ruby acts yet they are friends with them like it doesn't matter

Ozpin: Well as you said miss Schnee it is because of her eyes, they have powers that could make grimm fear her but if she doesn't discover how to soon, we will remove her eyes and give some other while you give them, Blake's case if she continue this pace she goes now during her training we will hand her over to Ironwood and he can decide what happen to her, so for now we only keeping them until they have shown they aren't useful anymore

The group outside the door heard what they said and they look towards their friends to see they struggle to keep their tears inside, before they could comfort the 2 they both ran off to their dorm room, the group went to the dorm room only to hear crying and few things getting tossed before there was a crash, they banged on the door but never got a answer, then Penny manage to knock the door down to see a broken window and a note on Blake's bed that said "Who ever see this note Me and Ruby went rogue because of people we trust, don't look for us.    With hate Blake" this made the group cry, they head to team JNPR dorm to sit down and talk

Penny: I can't believe what happen to friend Ruby

Coco: Same she was one of the most nicest person in this school and they throw her away like that

Jaune: She was also my first friend i manage to make in this school, she even helped me and Pyrrha get together

Pyrrha: Yeah I remember, she made us go to that amusement park and who you were left with to be your partner to walk around with you had to take the love tunnel, Ruby use her brain at most that time, funny thing was it was after i told her I like you she made that plan

Velvet: She was also so nice and doesn't judge anybody for what they are, some people are worse then what they look

For the next 3 weeks Coco, Velvet, Jaune, Pyrrha and Penny went to look Ruby and Blake but didn't have any luck since the have gone off everyone's radar, they even try to check their home only for to be meet with their parents that have't even heard something from them, when the parents learned what happen to them they were crying a worse thing was that Ruby's uncle also was with their father and when heard what Yang said about Ruby it took Taiyang all of his strenght to make sure Qrow won't go to beacon and kill Ozpin, Qrow decide to help the group to try and find them but to no avail, but they have heard about 2 dangerous people that there was a run on sight, while with the 2 most dangerous people they were killing any faunas in the White Fang, while a member of the White Fang was running away he was suddenly shot in his legs

We were use for people's gain, now we only trust each other after we gone rogueWhere stories live. Discover now