First Day, Our Decision and Hard To Gain Trust

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Next day Izuku wake up feeling two weight on him, he look under the blanket as he remember what happened, after they have found of those strays and held it captured, when someone with red hair gril appear along with a few others, the trio had watch as the red haired girl killed the stray as she was going to ask them something but they left before she could ask, afterwards turns out Ruby and Blake didn't have to much energy so they were tires, Izuku carry both of them and took them home, as he got home he placed both in Ruby's bed, before he could leave both Blake and Ruby pulled him towards them, he tried to leave for a hour but gave up, he then fell asleep a bit after, Izuku sigh as he tried getting out of their grip again but like last night he couldn't, he decide if he getting out of it he needed to wake them up, he gave them a little nudge as both girls wasn't budging, he tried again this time a bit harder as Ruby got up, she let a cute yawn before looking around

Ruby: Who is nudging me

Izuku: I am and it is because you and Blake kept me from moving after you fell asleep last night, I had to carry you 2 actually, after I put both of you in your bed you 2 pulled me down to you, so HELP ME GET OUT OF HER GRIP!

As Ruby was embarrassed as she tried to help Izuku getting out of Blake's grip, she then look for anything in her drawer until she finally found what she need, Izuku saw it and hold his ears as Ruby use her whistle as it shocked Blake so much she fell out of the bed


Ruby: Well first you were being clingy to Izuku after he was to spend the night in our room because we felt asleep and didn't let go off him

Izuku: Second we have school at 8 am...

As he check the clock

Izuku: It is 6:59, get up take a shower, get some breakfast, brush your teeth and hurry because we don't want to be late, plus your uniforms for this school is on the couch

As the girls take a shower, Izuku eat some cereal for breakfast, when he was done eating breakfast the girl have come out, he use his quirk and go into his room as he grabs a towel and head into the bathroom, the girls have put on their uniform and was waiting for Izuku, Blake was hiding her cat years while Ruby was about to put on her cape but Blake stopped her and shook her head no, Ruby sigh since she can't wear her cape but she accept it, instead she put her scarf on as Blake allowed it as a subtitute, Izuku meanwhile was done showering and brushing his teeth

Izuku: Your two's turn to brush your teeth I will wait at outside since I have the keys

The two girls hurry and brush their teeth before going out to see Izuku waiting, he then lock the door when both have gone out of the apartment, after that they went downstairs, when they left the apartment they made sure no one could see them as Izuku use his quirk while Blake and Ruby use their semblance to arrive at the school a bit earlier then if they walked, Izuku told them to follow him since it was somehow only 7:42, Izuku lead them to the school council office, he knock on the door as ??????? open, they all 3 enter as ???? was sitting at her desk waiting, when she saw the trio enter she smiled, there was 3 seats for the trio, they sat down and looked at ????

????: Hello you three, so have you thought about the deal

Blake: Well me and Ruby want to hear it ourselves

???? nodded as she begin to explain about the deal, Blake and Ruby was thinking for a second since they need to understand this world more but they don't want to be to much involved with it, Izuku looked at the girl infront of him then to Blake and Ruby, he then had a idea

Izuku: Alright I want to add a bit to this deal

????: What you want to add?

Izuku: A bit of trial, do to something in our past we have trust issues, so we will help your team but you will also have to help us when we need help, it is a way for us to see if you people are trust worthy, alright

We were use for people's gain, now we only trust each other after we gone rogueWhere stories live. Discover now