Rogues Against The Fallen Cadre

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The day after the rogues left, the devils didn't know where they were, they thought that maybe they out on patrol, but what they didn't know was they were instead hunting after Kokabiel, with the rogues, they were fighting Freed while protecting Irina that got a cut on her arm where her Excalibur is.

Irina: Thank you.

Blake: Don't mention it...

Freed: You damn people are so annoying.

Izuku: Well then let me show you what's annoying...

He covered the whole area with smoke before punching Freed in the chest, Freed was sent flying away as Izuku punched the ground to clear the smoke, they all looked around as the smoke was gone but there was no sign of Freed or anyone else.

Izuku: Looks like he is gone for now...

????????: So you three are the thorns that have been stopping me...

They all look up to see a pale blue haired elf looking fallen angel with red eyes.

Blake: So you must be Kokabiel...

Kokabiel: Indeed I am, now a little cat, prepare to die!

He throws a light spear towards Blake but she creates a purple spear with dark rings in it before sending it towards the light spear as a beam, the collision creating smoke that quickly settles.

Izuku: Hey Blake, when could you do that?

Blake: Something I have tested out while we were training Rias and her peerage.

Kokabiel: So you have your own sacred gears huh...

Ruby: Yeah you can say that.

She then places a hand on the ground as a vine-like tendril with a mouth shot up from the ground, it fires a spore towards Kokabiel that he dodge, he glares in anger as they are becoming more annoying.

Kokabiel: Tch, you are becoming more of a nuisance than before.

Izuku: Well... TAKE THIS THEN!

He then charges a fire in his hand before punching the ground, a fire pillar shoots up under him and burns him slightly, Kokabiel groans in pain but gives them one last look.

Kokabiel: Get the devils here, I have a message for them, I can't trust Freed due to his stupidity...

Kokabiel leaves in a yellow magic circle as the rogue trio nodded.

Irina: Should we actually believe him?

Izuku: Irina, he sounds serious, this means this is important and not a trick, you could also use a quick patch up.

He points to her still bleeding arm as she laughs a bit embarrassed.

Blake: I will call them, give me a minute, Izuku mind making sure she won't bleed out?

Izuku wraps her arm up in Black Whip as Blake called Sona, Ruby on the other hand called Penny to tell her what happen and to inform Serafall, after they were done calling they walked out the forest and close to the edge to enter the town, they wait until Serafall, Sona and her peerage and Rias and her peerage arrive.

Sona: We are here, where is he-

Sona spots Serafall before sighing.

Kokabiel: Looks like the two owners of the town have arrived and the Maou Leviathan is here too...

Serafall: What are you trying to do Kokabiel...

Kokabiel: Simple, I am trying to restart the great war!

We were use for people's gain, now we only trust each other after we gone rogueWhere stories live. Discover now