Helping Asia To Adjust Being A Devil and School

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(*Ruby's POV*)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, I slam my hand on it before going back to sleep, I continue to hug Izuku closer, I then wake up to see I was cuddling with Izuku, my face become fully red with blush that I could be mistaken for a strawberry, I didn't know how to respond, Izuku suddenly begin to wake up.

Izuku: Morning Ruby.

Ruby: M-m-morning.

Izuku: Can you let go?

I quickly let go of Izuku. This was the most embarrassing moment of my life, how did I even end up in this situation? The last thing I remember was hugging Blake and Izuku while I cried and then everything went black.

Izuku: You passed out from crying.

Ruby: Now I feel pathetic.

Izuku: No, it is because between me, you and Blake, you were the one most emotional hurt, I been betrayed by fake friends for a long time, so did it hurt for me, yes but I wanted to show them I was no one's weapon, Blake was a White Fang member, she knew her past would catch up to her, you on the other didn't expect a thing, people you thought were friends and family betrayed you, from what we have seen your emotions was to much bottled up that one happy memory could make you let out a sad outburst of emotions.

I began to tear up again before hugging him tightly.

Ruby: Thank you, I needed that.

Izuku: Any time.

Ruby: Um could I sleep in your room for a while, just for emotional comfort.

Izuku: It's fine by me.

Izuku then leaves me in my room, I check the date realizing we have school today, I quickly switch out of my rogue clothes and into my school uniform, I head downstairs to see no one is awake except Izuku that is making breakfast.

Ruby: What are you making?

Izuku: I am making a rice omelet, do you want to help?

Ruby: I would love to.

We began to make the breakfast together, when we were almost done Blake and Asia came down both were in the academy's uniform.

Blake: Morning Ruby, morning Izuku, what are you making?

Izuku: Rice omelet, we are almost done.

Blake: I can smell that, how come you didn't join at dinner yesterday? Ingvild went up to get you two but she said that you didn't want to be disturbed.

Izuku: Well Ruby was still passed out and she didn't let me go due to fear of a person leaving her so I just ended up falling asleep while she hugged me for support.

Blake: I see...

I just stick my tongue out before winking at Blake with a smug-playful look, she looked mad but I just chuckled, me and Blake have been together and had each other's back ever since we went rogue, if we were alone in this then we would have been dead a long time ago, so when Izuku came in the picture we have been around him a bit for emotional support, we could tell that his betrayal didn't hurt that much but he was willing to help us in any kind of way to make sure we gained a smile again.

Ruby: Blake are you going to eat breakfast or just standing there.

Blake: I am going to eat...

She grabbed a plate, before walking over to a table and began to eat the rice omelet. Asia grabbed one of her own, and I and Izuku finished making the last rice omelet before grabbing our own rice omelet.

We were use for people's gain, now we only trust each other after we gone rogueWhere stories live. Discover now