New Place To Stay and A Frozen Familiar Forest

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If Asia could describe what she saw when Izuku enter the door it was not a sight she would expect, she saw Izuku carrying Blake and Ruby with two other girls inside, while he was covering a part of his arm.

Asia: Are you okay Izuku?

Izuku: I am tired but yes I am ok.

??????: Not completely, he should probably see a doctor because I might have bite a bit of flesh off his arm.

Izuku didn't say anything but only walked to Blake and Ruby's room and put the two girl on their bed using Black Whip, he then walked back into the living room before letting go off the demonic one and placing the Leviathan on the couch while the 'child' he have brought in earlier was no where to be seen.

Izuku: Where is the child?

Asia: She is in the bathroom and is sleeping on the floor there, don't worry I got her a blanket.

Izuku sigh, he felt like he was about to pass out, Asia had her hands hover over his wound before she healed it, he felt the rest of his energy leaving before passing out.

(*Ruby's POV*)

I wake up with a yawn, I look at the clock and notice it was 9 AM in the morning, I stretch before getting out the door to see Asia is some how making breakfast, I look at the couch to see the girl at the lake from yesterday night, she had white noble dress and light purple hair, on the table another sleeping girl cold be seen, she seems to shrink a bit and was sleeping with something in her arms.

Ruby: Hey Asia, what are you making?

Asia: Well I try to learn how to make breakfast but for now I am trying to make some toast.

Ruby: It is a start that is for sure.

I didn't know where to sit because the couch was being taken up by the girl from the lake while the other was sleeping on the table, I sigh as we really needed a better place, I pull out my Scroll and begin and begin playing some video games on them to pass the time.

?????: Hmm what are you doing?

I look to my left and see the child looking being floating on my left looking at my Scroll, I jumped back a bit in surprise but collected myself.

?????: What are you doing?

Ruby: Passing the time.

?????: I see, can I watch?

Ruby: Alright, just don't distract me.

I begin to play the game, after what seems like 28 minutes I see the girl from the lake wake up, she look around before spotting me.

???????: Um hi.

Ruby: Hello um, I never got your name, I was knocked out.

???????: Oh, my name is Ingvild, Ingvild Leviathan.

Ruby: Well my name is Ruby Rose.

We suddenly heard a groan and I turn around to see Blake have woken up, I take a quick notice and realise we still are in our Rogue clothes.

Ruby: Blake, I think we should change before you say anything.

Blake: Why?

Ruby: Take a quick look at me then at the clothes you are wearing.

Blake look at me and noticed my rogue clothes she then look down at herself before going back to our bedroom and change before coming out in a grey long sleeved shirt and white sweat pants, I sigh before heading in myself to change, we really needed a new place to stay because this was getting to crowded, I do wonder how Izuku is feeling, he is the only boy in this apartment right now.

We were use for people's gain, now we only trust each other after we gone rogueWhere stories live. Discover now