Crashing A Forced Wedding and Favor Of The Maous

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(*No One's POV*)

The rogues could be seen speaking with Ravel when Sona arrive, it was getting dark outside.

Sona: They lost.

Izuku: Wasn't surprising.

Sona: Explain.

Ruby: The devil council needed Riser to win, they probably rigged it so Riser won.

Blake: You wouldn't mind us coming with you.

Sona: Bring your familiar with you, first time I want you three to cause chaos.

The rogues just smirked.

Izuku: Anything we need to wear?

Sona: You can wear something fancy, just have your rogue clothes ready, you will really need them.

Ruby: Alright, time to change out of our clothes.

Blake: And into some fancy ones.

Izuku: Long time since I last wore a fancy suit, time to wear a new one.

They head upstairs as Sona looks at Ravel.

Sona: So how has it been staying here for 2 days?

Ravel: Well...



Ruby: Relax princess, you are free to go after lunch.

Ravel: Pardon?

Izuku: Did you really think that we would kidnap you just to tick off your brother?

Ravel: Kinda.

Blake: We just joked.

Izuku, Blake and Ruby begin to make lunch as ????? and ?????? come down.

?????: What are you making?

The rogue: Fried rice and three bowls of ramen.

??????: Why only three?

Izuku: Just for me, Ruby and Blake.

They then finish making the food, Ravel sit at the table and begin eating the fried rice, she listen to the other beginning to speak with each other, she could not tell how but when ever the group spoke with each other, it seems like it doesn't bother how they rogues act before hand, they have completely switched personality, when they were done eating the rogues took her bowl as they went to clean it up.

Izuku: You can leave now if you want to.

Ravel: Actually I kinda want to observe you three if you don't mind.

Blake: Couldn't care less.

Ruby: Try not to bother us too much.

*Flashback over*

Ravel: After that I just enjoyed the new company there is here.

Sona: Well there is always a nice atmosphere here.

Ravel: Was that sarcasm?

Sona didn't answer, they suddenly see the rogue trio come down, all three wearing something fancy. ( *What they are wearing is on the picture above, those that made the art deserve the credit* )

Sona: When did you get time-

Izuku: It was originally if there was going to be a school prom, but instead we use it at that devil party.

Ruby: So when does it start?

Sona: I will head home, change then come back to pick you three up.

Ravel: I will head to the underworld and change.

We were use for people's gain, now we only trust each other after we gone rogueWhere stories live. Discover now