Helping The Devils, Crimson Stars and Protecting Asia

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(* No one's POV *)

When Blake and Izuku got to the school they were meet with a pouting Ruby.

Blake: Hey Ruby...


Izuku: Sorry Ruby, Blake only woke up early because you kinda annoyed her during the night.

Ruby: Did I snore again?

Blake: Yes.

Ruby: Guess that one was on me, but how come I got here faster.

Blake: Turns out Izuku sometimes take early morning patrols.

Ruby: Ooooh.

Blake: Yes and we ecounter the nun that we talked about last night.

Ruby's jaw hit the ground as the two of them have found the nun they were looking for and she wasn't even there, she gained a depress cloud over her, Izuku and Blake hugged her to help lighten up her mood, which it did light her mood up, Izuku and Ruby left for their class while Blake went to hers, during Izuku and Ruby's class it was rather peaceful, when the bell rang that allowed them to head to lunch, one of Sona's peerage members have entered and asked for both Izuku and Ruby, they got up and headed to Sona's office, when they got their she had a serious look on her face while Blake was sitting on a chair.

Sona: Why were you three talking about a nun on school grounds, clearly knowing that this is devil's territory!

Blake: Sona the reason we were talking about it, was because I overheard a conversation that the fallen angels were talking about the nun and are only using her until she have used up her usefulness.

Sona: What does that have to do with you three talking about that nun?

Izuku: She have a sacred gear and she is a naïve, the fallen angels are going to use that to make her do their bidding, as Blake said she is only useful for them for now, when she have used that up...

Sona: They are going to kill her and take her sacred gear.

Izuku: Yes, that is why we need to save her, she doesn't know the danger she is in, me and Blake have meet her, we know how he looks like and how she acts.

Sona: So you want to protect her?

Blake: Yes, she needs as much help as possible because it can end up ugly.

Sona: Promise me this, never join them and I will look over it.

The Rogue Trio: What do you take us for, traitors? We would never join them.

Sona: Alright you three can leave.

They then left the office, they checked the time and saw it took 5 minutes so they head out and begin to eat their prepared lunch, while sitting under the trees Ruby decided to ask something.

Ruby: Hey we always go on patrol together, but even though we always do it together why not some days one of us should go on a bit of solo patrol.

Izuku: Hmm, now you mention it, we hardly relax.

Blake: How about a week system.

Ruby: You mean where one week Izuku is the one only on patrol while we relax, then a other I could be the one taking the patrol?

Blake: Yes and on the 4th week we all go patrol.

Izuku: Sounds great.

Ruby: Meh as long I can hunt some bastards down, whatever it is devil or human I am alright.

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