Dealing With Fallen Angels, The Chaos Demon's Child and Leviathan

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Izuku returned home and stood right infront of the door still holding the "child" he found, he had a smirk while the "child" just have one thought.

????? *Mind*: He is planning something stupid.

Izuku kick the door open choking the 3 girls inside, seeing how Blake somehow attached herself to the ceiling Izuku couldn't help but laugh.


Izuku: The real question is how you are holding onto the ceiling like a spider?

Blake then fall onto the ground while both Asia and Ruby notice the "child" Izuku is holding.

?????: Hello there.

Ruby: Izuku, where did you find her?

Izuku: In the park, she doesn't have any parents.

Blake: Does she even have any relatives?

?????: No.

Izuku: She is staying here for a while then.

Blake: We need to ask Sona to get us a better place to stay then, because this will be way to crowded with how many people are going to end up staying.

Izuku: Good idea, I will call her and ask if she can.

He went to call Sona while Blake and Ruby continue to stare at the child.

Ruby: You aren't a normal child are you?

Blake: Are you even a child at all.

?????: You are right, I am not a child.

Blake: That explains many things.

?????: I find that green haired boy interesting.

Ruby and Blake just look at each other, they both had the same thought, that was there is something wrong with this child looking being.

?????: If I am going to stay here then I want people leave me in silence.

Blake: The only loud thing that is going to happen is probably Ruby that begins to snore.

Ruby: HEY!

The child the floats to the couch before falling asleep there, Blake took out some noise canceling headphones.

Ruby: When did you get that?

Blake: During a weekend so when you begin to talk loudly with Izuku I could read my book in peace.

She then place the headphones on the sleeping child looking being before going back to reading her book, Ruby just sigh before going to Izuku's room, she knock twice on the door before Izuku open.

Izuku: Yes Ruby?

Ruby: So what did Sona say?

Izuku: They will make us a place to stay.

Ruby: That's good, now what are we going to do against the crows?

Izuku: Tonight we are having dead crows for a midnight snack, Sona have called her sister to ask if we can get rid of them once and for all...

Ruby: Perfect.

She then went to inform Blake about what their plan was tonight. That night Izuku, Blake and Ruby was in their suits scouting the church from a nearby roof as Sona appear behind them.

Izuku: Do we have the green light?

Sona: My sister have contacted the leader of the fallen ones and talked about those that are in the church, their mission was to observe not kill, you have the green light to get rid of them, write their names to make sure you got the right ones, in his eyes they have become rogue just like you three, I wish you all luck.

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