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the tall, flamboyant man stared down at the girl in slight disdain. by pure coincidence, he stumbled across this demon slayer napping in a forest full of demons; which he had just finished slaying.

he flicked her forehead to get her to wake up, which worked. the girl opened her eyes, staring blankly at the tall man in front of her.

the sound hashira impatiently waited for a response, or some sort of explanation as to why she was just napping. after a minute of nothing, he snapped.

"hey, are you even an actual demon slayer!? you were sleeping in a forest packed with demons! not to mention, you look, like, ten at most!" he exclaimed loudly, with a judgemental look on his face. she didn't even respond. she just continued to stare intently at him.


tengen got more and more irritated by the second. he saved this kid's ass from potentially getting devoured by a hoard of demons, yet she was just staring at him like he was some sort of anomaly. he couldn't even listen in on her thoughts. she literally wasn't thinking. all he could hear were the faint sounds of ocean waves, which confused him. 


before he knew it, tengen was engaged in a one-sided staring contest with the girl, which he ended up losing. that just got him even more ticked off. the sound pillar was not known for having a good temper, especially when he was proven wrong.

"why aren't you respondi-"

"you look like an angler fish." she stated, completely out of the blue.

silence ensued. the hashira's face slowly contorted into pure disbelief. his fists began to clench, and his eyes looked like they were gonna pop out their sockets from how hard he was straining them.

"a... a... a WHAT!?"

she promptly fell right back asleep a matter of seconds after saying that, leaving uzui absolutely flabbergasted. 

even if the sound pillar was ruthless, he had somewhat of a heart, and was not about to leave a kid like that in some random forest. so, he sucked up his pride, and ended up grudgingly bringing her to the butterfly estate.

"check if she has some typa concussion." was all he said, with no further explanation, before leaving like nothing happened. shinobu was very pissed.


"ah, you're finally up?" the butterfly lady smiled at her. "the sound hashira dropped you off here, at the butterfly estate a few days ago. how are you feeling?"

the girl took a few seconds to comprehend the question, before answering.


'you just slept for five days straight...' shinobu thought inwardly, but chose not to vocalize it. she continued to ask questions. after all, she was quite curious. the girl looked very young. this was probably the youngest demon slayer corps member she'd ever seen; aside from muichiro.

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