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rengoku had stationed her at the last train car of the vehicle. she was at the very end, and attacks were a bit weaker. that led to kazemi coming to the conclusion that the demon was at the very front. slashing each fleshy tentacle that came after her was getting boring, so she decided to actually do something that would do some more damage.

she decided to once again attempt the breathing technique that yellow tang had very rudely cut off.

preparing her stance, she got ready. 

'sea breathing, sixth storm, storm surge.'

in one burst, she delivered a spinning vortex slash resembling a long, stretching coil. it reached each and every train car, obliterating all the tendrils to bits and pieces. the train hissed, as the sizzling aftereffects of the attack left it immobile for at least a minute. that gave her some time to go for the front. she was pretty sure a hashira wouldn't mind taking care of another train car.

she dashed to the next car, finding rengoku. he noticed her presence, turning to her.

"i believe that attack came from you! what a fierce slash! you have my respect, fellow slayer!" he shouted, in his loud optimistic tone.

"take care of the last car for me, please. i'm going to the front."

rengoku just nodded, not really minding. 

she continued to run to the front.

she seemed to come just in time, as she witnessed tanjiro about to get stabbed by the same old man from before. he was the ticket hole puncher man.



by the time tanjiro and inosuke comprehended what happened, they saw the old man on the floor, foaming at the mouth. kazemi knocked him out by violently hitting his neck. there was a chance he was now paralyzed, but that was nobody's problem at the moment. instead, tanjiro beamed at kazemi's arrival, and inosuke made an incoherent grunt.

"t-thank you..." tanjiro muttered out, as he looked at the senseless, twitching old man on the floor with mild concern. he then dragged the knocked out man over to a wall so he could at least be comfortable.

inosuke found an opening. he sliced through some flesh, revealing an entrance to a flesh wall tunnel.

the three hopped in, just for blue eyes to appear on the flesh borders. she shut her eyes, but she didn't do it in time.


she opened her eyes, immediately regretting it all. she saw the familiar surroundings. the red lights. the lanterns and festivals. her.

she got out the dream before she could see anything else, panting a bit, before immediately slicing all the eyes.

"go for the head!" she yelled out to inosuke and tanjiro, as she sliced into every eye that appeared. they complied, but tanjiro was a bit hesitant.

she dashed towards one of the bigger eyes, immediately regretting her decision.


she beheaded herself in seconds, rage beginning to grow and flutter at her core. the moment she got out, she had one thought in mind.

'i'm gonna rip this fucker to pieces.'

she then shut her eyes, relying solely on her reflexes. she sliced through every projectile like butter. her sword slid through the flesh naturally, like the flow of the sea.

powered solely on emotion, she continued to dice through whatever came at her, successfully helping inosuke and tanjiro succeed.

finally, as tanjiro sliced through the neck, the demon let out a shrill, high pitched scream, echoing through the whole area. it made the flesh covering the whole train ripple and bubble, shaking nonstop.

knowing it wasn't yet completely over, since she'd witnessed many demons let out final attacks before their deaths, she kept on slicing. 

then, the train derailed. it fell sideways. kazemi almost got slammed into the wall, but managed to get her footing. then, she quickly made a gaping hole in the flesh of the tunnel she was in, jumping out before it collapsed in on itself and disintegrated. inosuke and tanjiro had jumped out on time, luckily.

the train was a few seconds away from violently crashing into the ground. kazemi leaped off, landing on her feet.

the same could not be said for inosuke and tanjiro. also the old man, but nobody really cares about him. ffs, let him fall and break his neck.

tanjiro fell onto the ground, rolling to lessen the impact, but he still remained injured.

after an agonizing creaking sound of the train, it finally halted its movement, laying sideways on the ground. the flesh all over it was beginning to disintegrate.

tanjiro laid there, writhing on the floor. a piece of metal that broke off from the train stabbed him in the waist deeply when he fell. what luck, man.

"santarou! are you okay!" inosuke, who had a much greater landing and was also in a relatively better state ran over to tanjiro in concern, shaking him. that only really worsened his condition.

"i dont think i'll be able to move for some time..." he muttered, clutching his bleeding waist.

oh, and where was kazemi during this?

glowering down at the disintegrating head of enmu, and cussing out his entire bloodline.

"you look like a skid mark. the world would be better without stupid, space-wasting fucktards like you. i'd tell you to kill yourself, if you weren't already a deadass bitch. i hope you burn in hell."

enmu shed real tears for the first time in his demon lifetime as the last of him faded away.


h hn g g fg f d df f gbnh hf d fr f g h h g fd de g jh gt frde fgt bh nh hbg fds fr bg nh h vf d dg h h h g f f g hg (easy mode)

kazemi was rlly going for his ass fr

btw while i was rewatching mugen train to write this... why tf did i only just now notice how fat enmu's ass is. that shit should be illegal wtaf



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