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tanjiro and his two other friends—along with nezuko, were going on a mission, and kazemi decided to tag along. she had nothing better to do anyway, and everyone at the butterfly estate was busy.

so, now they were making their way to a train. but, kazemi had abandoned the trio five minutes in because their top running speed was agonizingly slow.

now, she found herself in front of a grand, quite wonderful train. she walked inside, then began to walk through each car, looking for an empty row of seats.

almost making her jump, she heard a huge, sharp, "UMAI!" as she was strolling through a certain car. turning around, she saw a vibrant, fiery guy. 

she took notice of the golden buttons of his demon slayer uniform.

'a hashira?'

noticing her stare, rengoku turned to her with a big grin.

"oh, hello, young demon slayer! i see you'll be completing this mission with me! why don't we sit together!?" she sat beside him obligingly, then looked at the large quantity of bento boxes he was chowing down in mere seconds. every time he took a bite, he let out an audible, almost scary "UMAI!" .

kazemi just sat there awkwardly, with rengoku deepthroating mouthful after mouthful of food like he was being timed for a world record. it was almost terrifying, honestly.

after probably 30 minutes of nothing, the flaming man turned to her.

"what's your ranking, young slayer!? what breathing style do you use!?" he swallowed down another bite. "UMAI!"

"kinoe. i use sea breathing." she answered quietly. these were one of the instances where she was feeling a little overwhelmed in a conversation. she knew the guy had good intentions, but gaww damn, was he loud!

"kinoe, at such a young age! you remind me of the mist hashira, in both your demeanor and achievements! as for your breathing style, i have never heard of that! did you create it?" the man asked brightly, with a prideful smile on his face.

she just nodded.

"what is the colour of your blade? sea breathing seems like a derived style of water breathing, so i'd predict it's blue!"

"it's turquoise."

"ah, so, a mix of green and blue? that is quite peculiar! i have never seen that before! how interesting!" he gave her a very hard pat on the back that almost knocked the wind out of her, before resuming his meal. kazemi decided to get up and go sit a few aisles behind him, since she didn't want to get a jumpscare every time he yelled "UMAI" on the top of his lungs.


"kazemi! finally! please don't run off! i was so worried!" tanjiro was sweating profusely, as if he ran a marathon to try and find her.

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