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she woke up the next day. she didn't have a good sleep at all. her whole body ached tremendously. nonetheless, she got up, and headed for the kitchen, smelling the familiar scent of aoi's baking wafting through the estate.

on the way, she slowly remembered something. she looked at the scabbard hoisted at her waist, unsheathing her blade slightly. just as she thought, half of it was gone.

'from when the uppermoon bit it off.' she thought distastefully, moving onto the other primary subject. 'i need to get it fixed.'

she sheathed her broken katana once more once she entered the kitchen, spotting aoi in her usual apron. she looked beside aoi, and saw a stool already placed for her, so that she could watch the process. she knew it was hers, because it said KAZEMI'S in big writing on the side of the seat.

that made her feel a bit of warmth in her chest. she walked towards the stool, sitting on it comfortably. aoi turned to her, a bit more solemn than usual. she still managed a smile.

"you want dorayaki?"


aoi got to work, skillfully hitting the eggs on the side of the mixing bowl, then cracking them open. the yolk dripped into the mixing bowl, not a single eggshell coming with. her hands were fluent in their movements, pouring in the other ingredients needed for the confection without even having to measure much. she'd memorized the recipe to the point she didn't need a manual. after all, she made it a lot.

kazemi watched the process with curious eyes. it really helped as a distraction from the guilt she was feeling.

and another personal problem. but, she didn't think it was anyone's business. even if it was weighing her down.

once aoi had whisked it into a fine dough, she moulded it into the shape of dorayaki, poured in the paste, set the dozen pieces onto a tray, then popped it into the oven. she got to work on another dish. from what kazemi could infer, it was probably steamed dumplings.

kazemi just overlooking everything was becoming a bit distracting. so, aoi turned to her, smiling.

"the dorayaki will take some time to make. how about you go water the plants? shinobu's a bit stressed with, y'know, everything going on..." she encouraged. kazemi nodded a bit, hopping off the stool and heading out the back.

she poured water into the watering can, feeding each patch of flowers and herbs what it needed. she'd memorized it after so many days of the process.

there were various plants, all separated and colour coded. it was quite aesthetically pleasing. many different butterflies, the most prominent species being swallowtails. one landed on her nose. she was a bit perplexed.

soon, a bunch of them had flown onto her head, shoulders, and arms. one had even perched itself on her jellyfish hairpin. not minding it much, she continued to water the plants.

staring at the nice colour scheme calmed her down. it smelled heavenly.

once she was done, she walked back inside, all the butterflies fluttering off of her. she sneezed a bit when the one on her nose flew off.

making it inside, she decided to head to shinobu's office, just to check on her.

she knocked lightly, earning a soft "come in" from inside.

she walked in, finding shinobu writing notes of some kind. 

"ah, kazemi, what do you need?" she asked, smiling as always. it wasn't a real smile, and it was more obvious than usual, since shinobu looked exhausted.

after being prompted to reply, kazemi spoke, "just checking in."

shinobu nodded, before she seemed to remember something, "ah, is your katana dented or broken from the mission? tanjiro, zenitsu, and inosuke all suffered some type of injury to their swords."

kazemi nodded.

"how severe is the damage?"

the kinoe pulled her sword out. there was... literally half a sword left. shinobu sweatdropped.

"ah... for damages like that, i think it's best that you head to swordsmith village..." the pillar chuckled a little, finding the situation a tad bit humorous.

awkward silence.

"...what's that."

"it's where the swordsmiths live. the village is hidden very well, since it's very valuable to the demon slayer corps. without it, there wouldn't exactly be a corporation, would there?."

kazemi listened, nodding along.

"how do i get there?"

"you'll be blindfolded, and your ears will be plugged. you'll be carried by various different kakushi, until you reach the destination. there's also hot springs there. it's the perfect place to relax while your sword is being mended." the pillar explained thoroughly.

once getting a better understanding, she thanked the hashira, left the room then, alerted her crow.


she fell asleep sometime through the trip there, making time fly faster.

before she knew it. the swordsmith village was right in front of her. in all its glory.



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this is what u get for calling the last one easy grenbo. Suffer


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