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once enmu had fully disintegrated, she walked back to everyone else.

rengoku was looming over tanjiro, instructing him on how to stop his internal bleeding or something.

"can you visualize the ruptured blood vessel? breathe. focus. concentrate on stopping the flow of blood."

surprising kazemi a bit, the flame hashira could be calm sometimes.

after a minute of tanjiro grunting and struggling, he managed to stop the bleeding.

just as kazemi was about to scout for her crow to report her mission's success, she felt it. an ominous presence. she turned to where it came from, immediately on guard.

as the mist around the area cleared, she saw it. a demon.

his short, bright pink hair fluffed out around his head, and his eyes tilted inward with cracked-glass-like blue sclera and pink eyelashes. his irises are inscribed with the characters for "upper three." one dark blue line stretched from the middle of his forehead to the bridge of his nose, and another three ran across each of his eyes from below his ears to over his temples. two more ran around his neck and three more branched off the lower one to his torso. his outfit consisted of a short, sleeveless pink haori, covering the length of about half his upper torso. he wore white baggy pants, with a rope tied around his waist to secure it. pinkish-red beads wrapped around his ankles, glinting in the moonlight shining upon his menacing figure.

what disturbed kazemi a bit, was the fact that he was barefoot. and his toes looked a bit too similar to blueberries.

although, now was not the time to dwell on his appearance. she looked at him, not yet preparing a stance. she instead observed him, to see what he'd do next. 

she almost didn't register him suddenly dashing at the unguarded tanjiro, hurling a fist at his face. 

"flame breathing, second form, rising scorching sun!" just in time, when the demon's fist was mere milimeters from landing a devastating blow, rengoku had sliced the offensive arm in half with a circular flaming slash. the impact ended right at the forearm.

the pink-haired demon jumped away, going back to where he previously stood with a sinister smile on his face. his arm regenerated in seconds. 

"that's a nice katana," he complimented in a sultry, smooth tone. he licked his palm slowly, smiling in a sly manner. there was an ominous glint in his golden eyes. they were sharp and observant. as he stared at rengoku, it seemed like he was analyzing every detail, not missing out on a single thing. "what's your name?"

akaza's eyes skimmed over the surroundings. he had caught sight of the sea-breath user, pausing for a split second as he examined her honed fighting spirit. 

then, he turned his eyes back to rengoku.

"i am rengoku kyojuro. why would a demon as powerful as you attack the wounded?" rengoku demanded an answer, standing in a defiant stance.

"i'm akaza," he said, smiling. "oh, i just thought he might interrupt the little chit-chat we're about to have." he replied, his mouth forming a cunning, malicious grin. fangs peaked out his mouth, glistening in the moonlight.

rengoku grunted.

"this may be our first meeting, but i already hate you with every fibre of my being."

akaza's grin didn't waver. it may have even widened a bit at the show of determination and pure hatred stemming from the hashira.

"oh, is that right? well, i loathe weak humans. like that boy over there. the mere sight of one makes my skin crawl with pure spite," he gestured over to tanjiro with a slight scowl.

rengoku's eyes narrowed dangerously, as he kept his strong stance. his feet were firmly planted on the floor, his flaming blade held out in front of him.

"then, i guess we will never see eye to eye." kyojuro stated, passion and firey hatred laced in his words. 

as if akaza had gotten an idea, his eyes lit up with a malicious glow.

"ah, i have a brilliant proposal for you. why don't you become a demon? just from a glance, i can tell you have the caliber of a high ranking hashira from that monstrous fighting spirit of yours!"

"no," rengoku replied, not missing a single beat. akaza frowned a bit.

"let me tell you why your fighting spirit will never reach true perfection. it's because you're human, kyojuro." 

akaza extended his arm out with an inviting smile, narrowing his eyes in glee.

"become a demon, kyojuro! you can hone that skill of yours for many more centuries, and reach true perfection!"

the flame hashira narrowed his eyes in distaste of the uppermoon's morals.

"growing old and passing away is what makes being human a beautiful, fleeting thing. it is precisely because of the fact we die that human lives are so honourable," rengoku pointed to tanjiro, making him gasp a bit. "this boy is not weak! dont insult him. i will repeat these words as many times as i need to for you to understand thoroughly. i will never become a demon. not at any cost, even if that cost happens to be the loss of my life!"

akaza stopped grinning, his face becoming dangerously serious.

"i see."

he then stomped his feet into the ground, going into a squat-like position with his open right palm held out in front of him. his other was balled up into a fist, stationed near his chest.

the ground shook, shockwaves vibrating across the barren grounds.

a great fight was about to break out between the two, and kazemi could do nothing but watch at the moment, since it wasn't her battle to engage in.


if u couldn't already tell, i luuuv akaza


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btw thx for 7k reads wowowowow (my notifications are flooded in votes and i am not happy abt it in the slightest)


edited slightly

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