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at the butterfly estate

"uzui, mind telling me why you've once again dropped her off here?" shinobu was incredibly irked, the smile on her face twitching slightly.

uzui just grumbled a little.


shinobu was not believing a thing he said. both the times kazemi ended up in the butterfly estate were caused by tengen. that did not seem like a simple coincidence.

"don't bullshit me, uzui-san." her smile turned threatening. uzui was not one to mess with shinobu, so he simply dashed away, leaving the kocho woman absolutely pissed.

he also carelessly dropped kazemi on the ground in the process.

she was gonna beat his ass the next time she saw him.

right now, though, her main priority was kazemi. 


"do you mind telling me what tengen did to you? could you also tell me what happened the last time, too?" shinobu had a slight speculation that the sound hashira was tormenting her, but she needed evidence to actually be sure.

"the first time, i was napping and he woke me up. then he got mad when i called him an angler fish. right after, i fell back asleep... and it was the same with the second encounter, i think, but this time i said he walked funny instead."

shinobu couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. then, she started to laugh.

"i'm gonna call him angler fish from now on, too!" she said through her laughing fit.


shinobu had a mission that week, so she hadn't gotten to talk to her much. the hashira had requested for her to stay another month, just for additional check-ups.

right before she left, she'd introduced kazemi to kanao.

both of them only really spoke when prompted to, so it was very quiet. they just sat in shinobu's garden. kanao was sitting calmly with a butterfly perched on her finger, while kazemi was watering all the plants in order to help shinobu.

the next best thing, right after marine life was plant life. kazemi loved nature. 

after the butterfly fluttered away, kanao's eyes drifted to kazemi in slight curiosity. she noticed that kazemi was watering the chrysanthemums wrong.

'should i tell her or no? heads for yes, tails for no.' kanao searched for her coin, before remembering that she put it in her room. she was having an inner turmoil, not knowing whether she should quickly run over to her room and get it, or just stay silent. she needed her coin for these things. 

'what to do...' she frantically looked around for a substitute she could use. she found nothing. she was starting to sweat a little. without her coin, what could she do? 

finally, she just burst out a jumble of words, completely acting on impulse.

"you're watering the chrysanthemums wrong!" kanao croaked out, in slight distress. kazemi heard, and reread the manual shinobu gave her. she realized she indeed was watering them too much. she turned to kanao and bowed a little in gratitude, before continuing the task the correct way.

kanao then realized. she didn't use her coin. she made a decision for herself. if she did it once, that meant she could do it again.

"follow your heart, kanao." she remembered kanae's words. slowly, a ghost of a smile appeared on her face, before she got up and picked up the extra watering can, helping kazemi with the rest of the plants in a comfortable silence.


both kanao and kazemi were quiet, so they got along easily. they did not converse. they kinda just, sat with each other in silence. it was an odd friendship, but it worked.

they were currently walking around the estate, admiring the scenery. butterflies seemed to like kanao, so they fluttered all around her. some even landed on kazemi.

it was nice and peaceful.

kanao liked kazemi's presence. she was quiet, and never tried to force her into a situation where she had to speak. kazemi thought the same, too. the kinoe ranked slayer never liked to talk much.

it was like a match made in heaven! two non verbal introverts. (platonic) 


after about 3 days, shinobu came back, and was pleasantly surprised to see kazemi and kanao sitting on the roof together, drinking ramune in a comfortable silence.

"it seems you two are getting along!" she smiled, jumping onto the roof and sitting beside them. they both nodded. shinobu then perked up when she remembered something. "oh, kazemi! i got you something while on my mission." she pulled something out her uniform pockets, and held it out to the girl.

it was a jellyfish hairpin. 

"i saw it while passing through a merchant village, and decided to get it for you, since it also matches your haori! do you like it?"

shinobu waited for a reaction. then, she was caught slightly off guard when she got hugged.

"oh?" she smiled softly, before slipping the hairpin into kazemi's hair during the hug. when she let go after a minute, shinobu could see a small smile.

"thank you."

kanao watched the exchange awkwardly.



this is the hairclip

this is the hairclip

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