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tengen arrived first, a solemn look, quite contrary to the unadulterated pride that usually filled his fuchsia eyes. slight shock awaited him when he saw kazemi. the young demon slayer stood against a wall facing a door. inside said door, was where the operation took place. her expression was hard to read at the moment. she practically drilled holes into the surgery room with her gaze. 

he could infer that she was apart of the mission. he wondered if he should ask her for what happened, but inevitably decided against it after finally managing to think logically for a second. 

so, in silence, they both stood outside the room, a few meters apart, without conversation.


muichiro, the second to arrive. he felt something akin to dread. he couldn't quite decipher it. as his mind drifted, waiting in front of the door with everyone else, he slowly reminisced of the times the flame man had greeted him. sometimes he'd wish him a good day, and other times they had sparred.

"tokito! even at your young age, your sword skills are on par with mine! i look forward to seeing what you become."

he stood there, thinking. like milky clouds painting the skies, drifting slowly. but, it wasn't a tranquil thought process. it was something alike to the calm before a storm. the stillness of the waters a sailor experiences before the waves raise to monstrous levels and devour him whole, never relenting, never wasting a second to clash and overpower everything in its path.

muichiro's longing gaze at the closed door was unreadable. if one were to look closer into those blank, mint green eyes, they'd see coldness. not the cold touch of cruelty, but what was left of a once kind soul, all their compassion and ardour now stripped away.  


mitsuri was next to arrive. her usual demeanor, enthusiastic and welcoming, now gone. her head hung low, as she continuously blinked the tears away from her eyes. she had hope, but it slowly faded with each passing second. 

the same pillar, who would usually be a beacon of light in circumstances like this had lost her gleam of pride. after all, how could she stay so strong, when the one who contributed greatly to paving this path for her was in such a condition? the one she saw as an elder brother. 

part of her was glad that door was closed, while another ached to see him again, his tall figure prideful and firey as ever. she was scared. scared of what was happening inside the room.

she slowly cleared her throat out, trying to make her voice as clear as possible.

"...let's all hope for kyojuro-san's safety, alright? he's strong... he should be able to bulldoze through an inconvenience like this and come out as strong as ever, right?" she croaked out, managing a shaky smile.

she didn't get a response.

"...right? right, everyone?" she desperately craved some sort of validation to her statement. 

kazemi, who sat to the left of her, nodded a bit, trying her best to fuel the woman's efforts. 

mitsuri noticed. she didn't know who this little slayer was, but knowing someone else believed what she did made her dwindling faith rise from the pit of her stomach. 

"see? he'll be alright. he'll be okay." mitsuri whispered quietly. it was said more to herself than anyone else.


short chapter ik 😭😭😭😭😭😭 sorry but it's better than js not releasing one at all

what r yall's predictions

does anyone have any theories on kazemis backstory?????????? i mean i havent revealed much but still

hbgf (ultra mega easy mode)


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