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she hated spiders. ugly, puny little shits that made your life harder.

which was why she was slicing one into itty bitty pieces at the moment. it was a white demon with red dotted diagonal lines on each of her cheekbones, as well as her forehead. she wore two blue beads in her hair. she didn't really get much time to even register she was getting beheaded, so i guess one could say that was a painless death.

she had found a part of the large forest with a shit ton of human-sized spider sacs everywhere. after opening a few, she found slayers on various different levels of decomposition. some were already decomposed by acid to the bone, others were just flesh, and one was fortunate enough to only have gotten their clothes dissolved. 

he was butt naked. 

the dude, who was named murata, thanked her graciously through tears, while hiding behind a bush to hide his obvious....nudeness. kazemi didn't really listen and just walked away, leaving the bland guy behind.

after some walking, she heard a very familiar voice.

"your act of restricting me from returning to my duties is an act of treason in the demon slayer corps, tomioka-san. don't you have anything to say for yourself? don't give me that silent treatment of yours."


she immediately ran over, and found the insect hashira in the headlock of a guy with a mismatched haori. shinobu noticed her.

"...kazemi?" she muttered out, in pure confusion. her smile dropped from just how flabbergasted she was.

the girl then appeared in front of giyuu, about to kick him in the stomach as hard as possible when—


she didn't really have the time to stop her kick, so the water hashira ended up getting hit. hard. in the shins. he doubled over, and that let shinobu get out his hold. after like a minute, giyuu got over the pain, but was still in visible discomfort.

shinobu just laughed, before patting kazemi on the head in satisfaction.

"great job!" she chuckled a little, "i haven't seen you in, what, eight months? what've you been up to?"

"...slaying demons."

shinobu just hummed, before asking a question once more.

"are you injured in any way? anything fatal?"

"i have a papercut."

shinobu chuckled again.

"well, let's get this big bad papercut treated at my estate, shall we? aoi and kanao have been missing you a lot! we're happy that you send monthly notes, but sometimes they're just doodles of fish... anyways, kanao passed the final selection a bit ago. she's actually on natagumo mountain, too! we may run into her in a bit." shinobu loosened up a little after the abrupt appearance of the kinoe ranked slayer, smiling. meanwhile, giyuu was just.. standing there idly.

the two made their way back to the demon slayer headquarters while chatting, with giyuu awkwardly trailing in front of them.

kazemi flicked a few pebbles at him in spite every now and then.


shinobu was at a hashira meeting, so kazemi had walked to the butterfly estate and let herself in.

she smelled the aroma of baking, which let her know that aoi was in the kitchen. slowly walking in, she stood at the entrance, silently waiting for aoi to register her presence.

she was a little too focused on the mixing bowl to notice kazemi.

so, she tiptoed behind the butterfly girl, and looked over her shoulder to watch her bake. it was mesmerizing to see aoi so focused. whenever she baked, all her movements were absolute. there were never any flaws in what she made.

aoi hadn't noticed, until she felt someone breathing down her neck, which made her scream in horror, her head snapping to whoever was behind her.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU FU- wait... kazemi!?" it took a few moments for aoi to register who was in front of her. once she did, she tackled the younger girl into a huge, tight hug. "KAZEMI!"

aoi looked like she was about to cry as she lectured the kinoe. it was her way of showing affection.

"i said send weekly notes! not monthly! and why were most of them just pictures and odd facts of fish!? why the hell did you think i would've wanted to know that a female salmon could carry over 4000 eggs! i wanted to know about your safety, ya idiot! you had me so worried!" she reprimanded her through tears. kazemi hugged back. she tried to let go at one point, but aoi just hugged her tighter. finally, probably after 10 whole minutes, aoi let go.

"you better sit here and watch me make you some dorayaki! don't move an inch!"

her eyes lit up at the mention of dorayaki, and she immediately sat down obediently.

she would never pass the chance of being able to eat dorayaki! especially aoi's.



major timeskip


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