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swordsmith village was very pretty. kazemi wondered how somewhere as huge as this had been able to remain undiscovered by demons for centuries. but, there wasn't much time to focus on that. she had to find her swordsmith.

"i think his surname was... chikafuji..." she thought aloud, as she strolled through the village.

suddenly, she heard boisterous footsteps thumping towards her.


kazemi turned around, spotting a tall, masked figure that she immediately recognized.

"i called," she said indifferently, raising her hand a bit.

chikafuji loomed over her for a second, his hyottoko mask shadowed over menacingly,

before kazemi got pulled into an absolutely suffocating embrace. she literally coughed, slowly losing her breath in the bone-crushing hug. the swordsmith started twirling, spinning her around like a child.

"I MISSED YOU!! I WAS DYING WITHOUT MY DAUGHTRRR!" he whined, wailing like HE was the kid. kazemi just, accepted it. this happened every time he delivered her swords.

kazemi's swordsmith was a passionate guy. he always saw kazemi as his own kid, for a reason she was unaware of. it started the moment he delivered her first sword. she was 12 at the time.

their first meeting was full of the swordsmith fawning over her. kazemi was a bit meaner back then, so he got kicked in the shins repeatedly until he keeled over.

she saw him pretty often.


he visited her every 2 months, under the guise of "sharpening her blades so they don't break."

yeah. he then he'd just hug her like there was no tomorrow.

kazemi saw him as a father figure sometimes. other times, like now, she saw him as a perpetrator. this mf was ASPHYXIATING her.

she knew he was just showing his affection. she was aware of the fact that some swordsmiths didn't really know their strength.

did that change the fact she was dying? no.

after 10 more seconds of that hell, she quite literally blacked out. the last thing she heard was the panicked screeching of chikafuji, before everything dissipated into white noise.


short ass chapter bc im on a go train, typing away on my phone

chikafuji is NOT being a pedo. istg he's just a father figure pls don't make it weird

he's an oc I thought of on the spot

bye cuz I just reached my destination

no big keyboard smash today... have this



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