10 - old acquaintance 

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3rd person POV
Everyone has been on edge since the last rebel base was destroyed by Darth Vader. A sigh could be heard as he placed the documents down when a soldier came into his office.

"Sir. I have someone here who has urgent information from the Death Star." This caught his attention immediately. "Put him through on the holo" as the solider nodded he walked to the desk and placed in the numbers. Soon a blue hologram of a man in a stormtrooper uniform appeared.

It wasn't easy keeping some resistance members there. But they played their parts well so we could all have information. "Commander! I have come to inform you of a few events that have taken place within the past month and a half" he raised his eyebrow hearing this. Besides the constant attacks on bases he was sure nothing else had changed. But, he had a felling that was wrong. The force had changed. He could feel it and he knew to trust it.

"What is it?" The man stood straight as he cleared his throat a bit. "Vader has been keeping a woman close at his side. I've noticed they seem to be a bit closer then just a worker. She's also just a mechanic." He rubbed his beard thinking like he always did when deep in thought. He doesn't understand why he'd take interest in a random woman. It never seemed like Vader. Then, something hit him. "Do you know this woman's name?"

The solider seemed to catch his curiosity. "Her name is Y/n L/n, sir"

He knew it. It's the same girl from Vaders childhood. But how in the force did she come to work for them? As he rubbed his beard a bit more he looked to him. "Thank you. Anything else?" The solider nodded once again. "I am also to believe she is possibly force sensitive. I've caught sight of her practicing using the force to grab a few tools"

This caught his attention more. If this is who he believed it to be and he knew she was force sensitive if Vader could be teaching her how to be a proper force user she could be a great ally. Or a deadly enemy. "Thank you. Since us a picture of her. And stay safe. May the force be with you"

As the hologram vanished a little man he knew all to well came into the room as the other man left. "Need her, we do" he sighed as his friend spoke this. As he was about to speak a picture of y/n showed up. He felt his heart warm seeing her face again. It was her after all. Somehow the force put them back together.

"Maybe she can help us get Anakin back" the small man sat down beside the desk. He hummed out thinking. "Plan we must, help us, she will" he couldn't seem to understand his thinking. She didn't even know them but how did he always seem to know? "Alright. Let's get them on the holo and a few of the captains. As much as I hate involving her. We need this"


It had been a few days since Anakin left. I sighed at the table softly playing with the necklace he gave me. It was a bit later and the place was eeriely silent. When I had finished up I went into my room and grabbed my lightsaber. I wanted to practice some in the hanger. I had been practicing on my own lately which has been helpful. Though I've messed up here and there I knew practice made perfect.

If it wasn't for this bond I'd absolutely feel lonely. I do still have flashes of Anakin and we chat here and there. I think he even loves it as much as I do. It keeps us grounded and we can easily keep calm. If I couldn't see him that way I thought I'd have truly gone insane with worry about him. Sure, he's darth vader. But anything could happen and plenty of people in the galaxy would be proud and happy to kill him and have him dead.

Before he left he had Felix promise to watch over me and keep me safe. As I made it to the hanger him and Cassandra where practically undressing themselves. "Oh for stars sake!" I closed my eyes as I heard the doors close behind me. "Shit!" I heard Cassandra fall out of Felix's lap from my work bench and shuffle to grab her clothes. "Oh dear stars! The image of y'all is burned into my retinas!" I couldn't help but keep my eyes closed.

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