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There's no sound in the world quite like the crashing of rain against a window pane. It was a sound that I once cherished, an addition to an already soothing day at work. Some may call me strange for enjoying my work, but what they say is indeed true; if you're doing something you love, you never work a day in your life. I loved being a cartoonist. I loved sitting down at my desk, pencil in one hand and a hot cup of joe in the other. And of course, the sound of rain in the background. There was nothing better than that. If only everything hadn't hit the fan.

Instead of at my desk, I was curled up against my bedroom wall, beneath the crying window. All I could think about as I listened to the steady pitter-patter of the rain drops was how much I was doomed. My unfinished cartoon strips lay scattered across my now useless desk...among them a small black box. What was inside the box? A ring. A beautiful, diamond ring that had cost me so much...yet it simply sat in its case rather than on the finger of my beloved Liz.

A few nights ago...I had been so ready to propose to her. I had just lost my job, a result of the company that I worked for being shut down. I didn't know how I was gonna figure everything out, especially since I was already in a considerable amount of debt thanks to my cat (I'll explain later), but I was gonna do it. I was gonna do it for her. Yet...she left me. She left me to stand there in my freshly ironed tux, heart broken in the dark. I understood...of course. She said I wasn't the right one for her. I understood that...but understanding doesn't stop pain. I had truly thought that she was the one...that we were so happy. I guess Liz hadn't truly been as happy as she had let on...

A new sound pulled me away from my downward spiral, the creaking of my door's hinges which I hadn't oiled since 2003. It was my cat, Garfield. Garfield was fat and orange with black stripes, but that wasn't what set him apart from other cats. What set him apart was how...humanlike he was. He walked upright on his two feet, and he could talk. Don't ask me how or why, because I don't know either, but after knowing him since he was a kitten I had just accepted the fact that this cat was essentially my roommate.

"Hey Jon, where's my afternoon lasagna?" came the heavily expected inquiry.

I looked up at the sound of his voice, barely registering the request. I looked away again with a heavy sigh, not feeling like moving any other part of my body.

"I'm sorry Garfield," I said quietly, "but I can't do it today...I just can't."

"Fine then, I'll just order from Vito's."

"No, Garfield, please. We don't have the money."

Like I mentioned before, this cat was the reason I was in so much debt. Why you may ask? It's because he was always stealing my credit card to order from Vito's pizzeria. To this day I have no idea how a cat can eat so much, but Garfield as always managed. He has always been a pain in my you know what...but he was also my best friend. I wouldn't trade him for the world, and you're about to see why.

Garfield just stood there with a raised brow. I could tell he was looking at me...judging me. Finally, he spoke up once more.

"Okay Jon, what's the matter? All you've been doing for the past few days is laying in here and crying like the mailman on a Monday. Did your job really mean that much to you?"

I gave a sniffle, reaching my arm up to wipe my nose on my pajama sleeve. I sighed. I hadn't gotten a chance to break the news to him about me and Liz yet...I just hadn't been able to bring myself to do it.

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now