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Our journey back to the Truffula forest was shrouded in the shadow of failure. Though it didn't hit me too hard personally, whether this was a result of me already having been numbed to failure's sting or my lack of real personal ties to the project, I couldn't help but feel downed anyways. Particularly on Once's behalf. He was trying to act cool about it, or put on the front of a lack of care, but this was his life's work. I knew he had to be upset about it, especially from my own experience of losing something that you're passionate about. Of your dreams slipping through your fingers.

Most of our trip was spent in strained silence. It weighed heavily on the air, broken only by the bumping of wagon wheels against rocks in our path. I spared a glance at Once, who was sitting at my side with his eyes trained firmly on the road. Despite the mask he had put on since giving up, I could tell he was still tense. Disappointed. After all, how could he not be?

"..Once?" I attempted, a drawl of hesitance to my voice, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine." Came his short response.

I kept my eyes on him, writing my concerned disbelief clear in the lines on my face like carvings in a stone tablet. He glanced my way once more, but only seemed to notice my expression upon a double take. His shoulders sagged as a sigh spilled from his lips. His eyelids drooped halfway over icy blue eyes.

"Seriously, Jon. I'll be okay. I don't know why I even expected it to take off in the first place. . .It was a stupid idea. My family was right."

I watched as he slowly shook his head, bringing a hand up to hold the bridge of his nose. My brows threaded themselves together. What had he meant by that..? That his family was right? Slowly, I reached my hand over and placed it on his back. I felt his tension seem to loosen under the weight of my palm.

"For what it's worth, I don't think it was a stupid idea. It's certainly something that I would by, considering how messy it is having two pets."

That managed to get a chuckle out of Once, a sound that brought me a tidal wave of relief. He slowly shook his head, looking up at me with a small but seemingly genuine smile.

"Well, I guess you'd be the only one."

He spluttered, leaning back in his seat as I slid my hand away from his back. I bit my tongue for a moment. A heavy silence blanketed over us, permeated only by the sound of wagon wheels bumping against stones protruding from the dusty ground. Finally, after an uncomfortable amount of time playing mental tug of war with myself, I finally let the fighting question spill off of my tongue.

"...Once? What did you mean by your family was right..?"

Once didn't give off any obvious reactions to my question, but I had grown accustomed to studying him, to taking in his every little detail and brandishing it onto my mind. Not that it was a conscious action...I just sometimes caught myself staring longer than necessary, though every time I chose not to think much of it. After all, it was normal to admire someone whom you owed your life too, right? I could see subtle changes in the lines of his expression or the disposition of his posture.

"I—'s not a big deal, really.." He muttered, bringing a hand up to rub at the back of his neck.

I slowly shook my head. Normally I'd be a little too timid to pry further upon matters like this, but Once was someone ic a red deeply about. At least that much I could gather from my own feelings. Clearly there was something bothering him, and I would be ashamed of myself if I let that slide.

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now