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My eyes were glued on Once as he ascended the hill. I watched him drag his axe along with him, ready to down the tree that was displayed at the top like the valley's proudest trophy. The look of pride and accomplishment on his face was one that I didn't fail to notice. His happiness was as contagious as ever. After all, I owed the guy my life. He deserved to achieve his dreams and reach the stars that he was shooting for.

I glanced down at my feet, noticing that a river of curious critters had begun to follow my friend. The thought occurred to me that he must share Snow White's charm, and it got a chuckle out of me. With a smile plastered on my face, I began to wade through the running river of brown fur and orange feathers.

All the animals formed a curious ring around the top of the hill, with Once at the center facing the tree. I stood close to him, watching his movements closely with piqued curiosity. I heard a couple of excited yips, and looked down to see that Odie had wedged himself between my legs.

"Odie!" I gasped, stumbling over the small yellow dog. However, with a bit of memorized fancy footwork I managed to evade him. The action was a simple one. I supposed that I had needed to avoid tripping over him so many times while we still lived at the old house that I had simply learned not to fall.

I shook my head and looked back up to Once, only to find him already looking at me with that same elated smile on his face. We locked eyes, and for whatever reason I felt heat crawl to my cheeks.

"You might wanna step back, Jon," he instructed, his voice light and airy.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I stepped backwards to a safe distance, using my hand to nudge Odie backwards as well. I watched as he readied his axe, the blade glinting with light from the sun. I bit the inside of my lip, for whatever reason growing slightly apprehensive. However, I quickly shooed the feeling away as if it were merely a fly buzzing around my head.

After all, it was only one tree.

Once readied his axe like a golf club, and then slammed it into the tree. Bits of bark and wood went flying. The action began to startle the crowd of on-looking animals. The bears cowered backwards, and some of the birds began to take off with loud honks. I figured it was probably the noise, or Once's sudden movements, that were startling them. Even Odie was cowering behind my legs.

Chop after chop later, the truffula tree finally fell to the ground with a loud thump. Once stood by the freshly separated stump, looking at it with the proud face of an artist who had just completed his magnum opus. He slung his ax over his shoulder and looked at me, then around where the animals had been.

"Check it out guys," he began, before his expression melted into one of confusion upon seeing the absence of the crowd, "where'd they go?"

I shrugged at him when our eyes met.

"I think you scared them off."

Once looked at me for a moment, then just shrugged and turned to the fallen tree. He put his hands on his hips, a calculating expression resting on his features. He then turned back to me, a small smile spreading across his face.

"Hey Jon, you've got strong arms," he told me, a comment which made my face heat up, "You think you could help me carry this tree over to the wagon?"

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now