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The swaying of the wagon was lulling me to sleep like the  sound of my mother's lullaby. The heat of the sun was a warm welcome compared to the brittle cold of the guarded mountains we had just gotten out of.

The view before me was shaded by my fedora. It was still early in the morning. Jon and his pets were still sound asleep behind me, and I was tempted to get some extra shut-eye myself. My eyelids drooped as if weighed down by a hundred pounds, and my body ached with the strain of continuous travel.

Just as I was about to doze off, I was suddenly jostled in my seat. I drew in a gasp as I fumbled around. For a moment, my mind went back to the tossing and turning of the wagon when we were assaulted by the alligators in the swamp, but I heard a low snort from in front of me and quickly realized that Melvin had kicked my seat. He must have been growing impatient.

I sighed and sat up, fumbling with my hands to catch my slipping fedora.

"We're almost there, Melvin, I'm sure of it..." I murmured.

I caught the gray fedora in one hand, having to squint against the sudden light shining into my eyes. I used my hand to cast a shadow over my eyes. Once I could see through the blinding light, my jaw dropped to the floor.

In front of me was laid a huge valley filled with an array of dancing colors. It was a sea of fluffy lollipops with waves proudly boasting purple, red, pink, orange, and yellow.

A winding river flowed through the valley, shimmering under the influence of the sun. The grass was lush and bright like a meadow. Bushels of wild flowers were scattered throughout the valley like sprinkles on a rainbow cake. I drew in a breath as I noticed the silhouette of a bird against the sunlight. It swooped by me, and I turned to watch it. It was unlike any bird I had seen before. Its orange feathers glowed in the sunlight. It had a long neck like a goose but a flat bill like a duck. A beautiful, whistling song rose from its throat, filling the air.

I was so gobsmacked by the scene in front of me that I may well have not even noticed if a bug were to fly into my agape mouth and out my left ear. I was only vaguely aware of a faint groaning sounding from behind me.

"God, what's the big idea?" Came Garfield's voice, heavy with grogginess.

In spite of my secret malice for the annoying cat, I couldn't help but grin widely at his question. My heart fluttered with joy and excitement.

"We're here!"

I heard rustling from behind me, followed by the soft crunch of feet and paws upon grass. I turned to my side, still smiling like an absolute goober, to see Jon emerge beside me. He was still in his candy cane stripe pajamas and his black eyes were heavy with sleep.

He rubbed his eyes, and then stared at the display before us with an awe-struck expression, like he had just seen the Hagia Sophia in person. I couldn't blame him. I was feeling the same way.

"This is the most beautiful place..." I began, feeling a lump of emotion stop up my throat, "okay..that I have ever seen."

"Woah.." Jon said, "am I dreaming?"

I turned to him, a wide grin pulling up the corners of my mouth.

"Nope! This is it.."

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now