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I blinked my eyes open as the darkness of sleep steadily faded away. The voice calling my name grew louder and closer. As the darkness faded, I could feel my shoulder being shook.

I startled awake the rest of the way with a small yell, scrambling away from the touch. However, as soon as my brain began to pick up its normal work, I recognized Once waking me with a smile. I relaxed upon seeing the familiar face.

I then sat up with a yawn, rubbing the remainder of sleep from my eyes. I heard a yap from Odie and felt the small dog clamber into my lap and lick my face.

"Agh! I'm up! I'm up!" I said as I gently pushed Odie away. I could hear Once chuckle.

"It's about time," he teased, "come on and get dressed, I have something to show you."

He seemed rather excited as he said this. His wide smile was reaching his eyes. I was surprised when I realized how rare of a sight this was, was nice to see him excited about something. He had a nice smile.

He quickly got up and jumped off of the wagon to give me some privacy. He whistled a tune as his silhouette passed in front of the patchy wagon fabric.

I quickly stood up and changed into my usual light blue polo and jeans. I slipped on my shoes and then made my way to the entrance to the wagon, stepping over a sleeping Garfield. I hopped off the wagon and walked around to meet Once. Odie followed with a happy yip.

Once was leaning against the wagon when I reached him. He immediately walked over to me as I approached, the same excited sparkle in his eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten him so happy.

"Come on! I gotta show you something!" He said, skirting past me. I twirled around as he passed, and quickly followed him with Odie at my heels.
We walked along a thin dirt road, only wide enough for our legs. Once led me to an outdoor marketplace, with rows and rows of little shops selling all sorts of things. A birch wood sign was stationed at the end of the path, and it read: 'Dunderville Marketplace.' I raised my brows, wondering for a moment if this was the place where Once had finally found his desired material for the thneed. The thought of such a specific thing coming from a place such as this was a little jarring...but Once's rather contagious excitement was certainly convincing.

I looked at all the different merchandise as we threaded the needle between shops. Anything you could name, there was a shop for it. They had jewelry, sea shells, different flavored pickles. I even thought I saw a shop selling rainbow colored rubber chickens. Odie ran off somewhere in his excitement, though I wasn't worried. He never strayed too far.

Once finally stopped at a shop, grinning widely. I furrowed my brows in confusion. The merchandise was nothing special at all. It was just paper, vaguely doused in pastel colors. Once looked at me with a smile, though his brows raised as he seemed to notice my confusion. He quickly grabbed a vaguely green piece of paper and held it near my face.

"Jon, they have scented paper!" He said.

Intrigued, I leaned closer and took a good sniff from the paper. The smell was faint, but clearly mint.

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now