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     The next few hours of my life after picking up Garfield and Odie were spent getting a glimpse into the life of Once. We traveled about the whimsical town of Whoville for some time, stopping at hardware stores, craft shops, and anywhere else Once thought he might be able to find what he was looking for. Repeatedly, he would select a sample piece of fabric and test it out by feeling it and stretching it, but would quickly throw it back with a sigh. Of course I tried to help as much as I could by pulling out different materials to suggest, but Once shot all of them down.

Under any other circumstances his indecisiveness would've irked me, but honestly I was kind of grateful for the stalling. Of course I couldn't say the same for Garfield, but a threat to take away his lasagna privileges for a whole month was enough to keep him quiet.

    The sun was beginning to dip behind the tree line by the time that we were done. The bottom of the sky was gleaming with swirling orange and pink. Once huffed dejectedly as he plopped down in the driver's seat of the wagon. Garfield and Odie weren't too far behind him, jumping up into the back with all the stuff (Garfield with a good amount of effort).

   "Hey, don't get your spirits down over a bit of bad luck," I said to Once, "I'm sure you'll find the perfect material for your thneed soon." I hoisted myself onto the wagon, sitting near the driver's seat and letting my feet dangle over the edge. I offered Once a reassuring smile, but was met only with a dejected sigh.

   "But Jon, all I've had this whole time is bad luck!" He brought up a hand to rub his temples. He eventually exhaled through his nose, letting his hand drop back into his lap.

   "Nevermind," he sighed, "thanks for all your help today, and I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting."

   "Oh, no," I replied, "it's no problem."

   "What do you mean 'it's no problem'??" Garfield cut in. I turned to glare at him.

   "Garfield," came my smooth and cold warning to the insufferable cat. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning against the wagon wall. I sighed and turned back around, staring ahead at the road that lay before us. This same road that would lead me back to all of my all of my heartbreak. I thought of Liz. How would I even be able to face her? She was Garfield and Odie's main vet, after all. What was I supposed to do? Move them to a different vet? That seemed like such a petty idea that I hardly even considered it.

   "Welp, I suppose it's time that I get you guys home," Once said as he took Melvin's reins in his hands. I cleared my throat, rubbing the back of my neck.

   "Yeah...I guess..."

   "Is...something wrong?" Once asked, a hint of concern in his voice. I startled a bit, quickly looking at him and shaking my head.

   "No, no! I just...well I don't really have much to go back to," I admitted sheepishly, "I...I've lost my girlfriend..and my family, my family isn't gonna take any of that too well." Once looked at me with slightly wide eyes. A look of surprise yet understanding rested on his features.

   "Ah...sorry to hear that."

   We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a moment, only broken by an obnoxious yawn from Garfield. The wagon remained stationary. We listened to wind rustle the leaves of the Whoville trees.

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now