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The feeling of bumpy wagon travel felt strangely different to me now that I had accomplished the goal I had been working towards for what felt like an eternity. Now I finally had a thneed tied around my friend's neck, and I couldn't have been more elated at the fact. My creation, my life's work, was finally a reality. Now all I had left to do was show the public how awesome it was, then everyone would see that it was anything but a waste of my time. No one would be able to doubt or belittle me anymore.

"Hmm, it says there's a passage through the mountains a few miles north of here..." came Jon's voice from my side.

I hummed at the information, sparing my companion a glance. He had his eyes narrowed as he peered at the map in his hands, shifting it around and angling it for better understanding. In the back of my mind, I found myself considering this behavior of his kind of cute. It was easier to appreciate the little things he did when his cat wasn't with us to complain about even the oxygen molecules being slightly different than usual.

"Good. I was worried we'd have to climb up them again."

I chuckled slightly, giving Jon a playful nudge, which he returned with quiet laughter of his own. We were headed towards a little town listed on the map beyond the Truffula Valley called Greenville. We had nearly no information on the town, but where there was a town there were people, and where there were people there were potential customers.

I watched the truffula trees file past, their beautiful, brightly colored tufts shining with buttery morning sunlight. The song of the valley's birds traveled through the air as they flew about, a calming whistlely tune. I let my eyes full shut to rest them a bit. I couldn't help but feel a small smile spread across my face, the feeling of being around unique nature almost supernaturally relaxing. It was nice to be able to travel through it with no one at my side but Jon.

Seeing as we had some time to kill, I eventually rustled myself out of my rest and reached behind me. I grabbed my guitar and started plucking at the strings. I had been thinking about making a jingle to help pitch the thneed. I figured now would be as good of a time as ever to come up with one.

"Oh! One second Once.." Jon spoke up, an interruption but a welcome one, "Let me see your hand."

Periodically he had been checking up on my hand that had gotten snagged in the alligator's maw on our journey. I really didn't consider it that big of a deal, but I let him do it every time to ease his worries. It was strange having someone care for me on such a level...yet I welcomed it with open arms. It made me feel seen in a way I never before had.

I let Jon take my hand, dropping my guitar to rest on my lap. I watched his face as he unwrapped the bandages, taking notice of  how sharp and unwavering his gaze became whenever he focused on something. I had to hold back a smile.

" still looks like it's getting better," he noted, sounding relieved.

It didn't look much better, but I supposed the fact that it was no longer gushing blood was a good thing. Now my hand just looked gross and crusted over with large, chunky scabs.

I turned my attention back to Jon, a much more welcome sight, and let a smirk play on my lips.

"Awh, were you worried?" I teased him.

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now