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A gentle breeze ran through my hair, bringing with it the gentle tune of the coming summer. That was one thing that I loved about traveling by wagon, feeling the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. Of course, Jon probably thought I was incredibly strange for traveling by wagon, but I didn't exactly care. I was used to that sentiment of me. That was simply who I was: the weird goofy wagon guy. Besides, it wouldn't be that way for much longer...

    I guided Melvin down the streets of Whoville, staring at the layout of the mountain town, mesmerized. The bright colors and bold fashion choices of the people lifted my spirits. Surely in a town as creative as this I could find the perfect material for my thneed. It had to be soft, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. You'd be surprised at how hard it is to find materials that share all three of those qualities.

"You really don't have to do all this, Once," Jon spoke up after a moment. I smiled, giving him a dismissive wave of my hand. This was about the tenth time he had tried to bring up an argument against my help. However, no matter how much he tried to argue, I was still going to help him in whatever way I could. It just felt to me like the right thing to do. Sure it could be considered dawdling from a pin-point mission perspective, but I didn't have an issue with taking a bit of time away from my quest to help this man and his pets. Besides, all of this traveling could get a little lonely sometimes. It was nice to have a bit of company, even if it was only for a little while, and Jon seemed nice enough.

   "It's really not a big deal," I reassured him, "What type of person would it make me if I had found you in a car crash and then just left you to fend for yourself?"

    I turned around to give him a reassuring grin. His curly brown hair was waving in the breeze. He gave me a grateful smile back, and I noticed his dimples for the first time. Hm.

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

It was about a fifteen minute ride to the Whoville vet. Along the way, Jon and I took a bit of time to get to know each other. Jon talked to me about his pets, mostly. He told me how his dog, Odie, was the sweetest thing and very open to strangers. He told me about how fat his cat, Garfield, was. I had a hard time believing that a cat could eat as much lasagna a day as Jon had described....but then again I had seen a lot of strange stuff on my travels that I hadn't thought was possible before.

   I pulled back on the reins, slowing to a stop in front of the blinding white blob of a building. Red stripes swirled around the structure. It almost reminded me of a candy cane, and made me want one.

   "Oh! Eh, I forgot to mention-" Jon began as he walked over to my side, "Garfield is...well he's very human like." I blinked, looking at Jon in confusion.

   "What do you mean by that?"

   "Well, it's kind of hard to believe," he replied. I smirked.

   "Harder to believe than a cat eating ten pounds of lasagna everyday?" My playful smirk fell as Jon looked at me in complete seriousness and nodded his head.

   "You'll see what I mean once we get him," Jon finished.

   We walked into the vet's office through automatic doors. Even the interior of the building was unique. The waiting area was full of plush looking chairs and had a red, fuzzy carpet in the center. There were two people in there waiting to be seen. One was stroking a Komodo dragon that sat in his lap, and the other held a bowl that contained a koi fish.

Maybe This is Enough 𓇚 The Onceler x Jon Arbuckle 𓇚Where stories live. Discover now