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"Gideon, power the engines and get us into the air the moment the last refugees is aboard. And get the weapons systems online", Rip says.

"What's happening", Kendra asks, as the Waverider shakes violently.

"It would seem Savage has come back for his baby girl", Rip says.

"The last of the refugees are onboards, Captain", Gideon says.

"Strap yourself in", Rip tells the Legends.

"What's happening?", David asks Bonnie.

"I don't know but get down", Bonnie says.

"All of you".

"Gideon, external floodlights to maximum", Rip tells her.


"Incredible", Ray says.

"What the hell?", Bonnie says. "Is that...".

"Ugh. Fire now", Rip tells Gideon, as the huge robot, the Leviathan begins to attack the Waverider.

Laser starts blasting the Leviathan but it only makes it more angry and undamaged.

"Hold on to something!", Rip yells.

Everyone begins to scream.

"Fire, Gideon. Fire everything", Rip yells.

The Leviathan grabs the Waverider.

"Now might be a good time to start praying", Rip says.

The Leviathan throws the Waverider far enough to damage it and the people inside.
"I was wrong. Your dad's a gem", Snart tells Savage's daughter.

"He's just doing what he must to save his daughter", Vandal Savage daughter says.

"Whatever you say. Now, where was I? Oh, right. Convincing you to help us", Snart says.

"What a charming euphemism for interrogation", Vandal Savage daughter says.

"I know what you're thinking: "my dad may not be perfect, but deep down he's not a bad guy".

"What are you doing", she asks.

Snart opens up the doors to the brig. The chamber where prisoner are kept.

"Showing you that when it comes to crap father, there is no "deep down". After you", Snart says.

Snart takes Vandal Savage daughter down a trip around the Waverider halls.

"These are the ones we could save. The rest are ash much like Delta Camp", Snart says.

"You don't know my father at all if you think his daughter could be so easily manipulated", she says.

"Just trying to show you the truth", Snart says.

"The truth is, my father was trying to save me", she says.

"From what, untrained civilians with barely any weapons?", Snart says. "Your father sent a 200 foot robot to level a bunch of tents".

"The people in that camp were rebels, dangerous radicals", she says.

"Please. Do these people look like radicals to you?", Snart asks. They're nobodies...everyday food hoping to survive your fathers reign of terror. Look, took me a long time to accept my old man was a monster. I'm betting you're smarter than I am".

"At last, something we agree on", she says.

"Oh, Per Degaton didn't release the Armageddon Virus. That was your father", Snart says.

Bonnie Clark // Book1 // DC Legends of TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now