The First Task

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November 24

Madison's POV:

Today was the day, I bundled up in my quidditch sweater, hat, and jeans. I put my fuzzy socks on and my boots on. I was so nervous for Cedric, but I knew he would do amazing. Pansy and I had a sign made for Cedric and I was really excited to show it off. Pansy looked at me and smiled, "Hey, these were just downstairs, I wanted to bring them up to you."

I drew my eyebrows together and then smiled when I saw the bouquet of vibrant purple roses. Pansy handed them to me and I set the vase on my end table. "Thanks, Pansy," I grabbed the card and smiled as I read it, To my number 1 supporter I can't wait to celebrate with you after today's victory. Love you, sis, Cedric.

"Let me guess, your brother?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he really is the best," I said with a laugh.

Pansy smiled, "You ready?"

I nodded, "Yeah, are the boys coming?"

"Of course, let's go get them,"

I grabbed the sign and walked downstairs to the common room with Pansy. There stood the four boys and I smiled, they all looked very handsome. Especially Mattheo.

"You ladies ready to go?"

I nodded and smiled, Pansy walked with Enzo, Theo walked with Draco, and I walked with Mattheo. "You look handsome," I stated confidently. Mattheo was wearing a dark grey sweater and a pair of black jeans, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Thanks, you look incredibly beautiful,"

I blushed faintly, "Thank you,"

"Green really is your color sunshine, it is ravishing on you,"

I bit my lip gently and looked at my feet. "You're so kind to me, Tao,"

"Well, shouldn't I be?"

"Yeah, it's just that no one has ever really been like this with me before,"

"Well, I am shocked at that but I am more than happy to be the first."

"But not the last?" I questioned.

Mattheo shrugged and glanced at me, "I sure hope I am,"

I blushed faintly and felt Mattheo lace our hands together. We made our way to the stadium in comfortable silence, we got our seats and I set my sign down. Mattheo was to my left and Pansy was to my right. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go find my brother."

I made my way over to the tent and McGonagall was outside of it. "Excuse me, Professor?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"Can I see my brother? Just for a moment,"

She looked at me for a moment and nodded, "Yes, I didn't even recognize you, Miss Diggory, of course, you can."

"Thank you," I walked into the tent and looked around, "Cedric?"

I saw him walk out from behind a curtain and I smiled. Cedric walked over to me, "Hey, what're you doing here?"

"I just wanted to wish you luck, and also to say thanks for the flowers,"

He smiled, "Anything for my biggest supporter,"

I laughed faintly, I pulled my brother into a hug and took in this moment, just in case. "I love you, Ced,"

I felt him shake his head, "Don't do that, don't act like this is the last time we will see each other,"

I nodded, "Okay," I said and pulled away. "Good luck,"

He smiled faintly but I could tell he was nervous, "Thanks, Maddi. I'll see you after, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay,"

I walked out of the tent and let out a breath of air, I wiped my eyes and went back to my seat. "So is he ready to go?" Draco questioned.

"Uh huh,"

Pansy nudged me, "What?" She whispered.

"He's incredibly nervous,"


I nodded, "Hey, he'll be alright, he's got this," Mattheo whispered to me.

I smiled faintly, "I'm sure you're right."

Mattheo grabbed my hand as Dumbledore began speaking, "Your attention, please. This is a great day for all of us." A loud roar sounded making me jump.

"Was that a-" I started.

"Yeah," Mattheo answered.

"Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger. Please take your seats at all times. This will minimize any risks you may be exposed to. I'm sure we all wish our champions the greatest of luck."

I looked at Mattheo and he squeezed my hand. "It's alright, he'll be okay,"

I nodded, "Okay,"

I was getting far too anxious, I began shivering as the wind faintly blew, "Are you cold?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine,"

Mattheo unlaced our hands and put his arm around me, he rubbed my shoulder and arm gently and pulled me into him. I glanced at Pansy and she was pressing her lips together trying to suppress making a scene. I faintly smiled back before focusing back on the arena.

A very loud cannon went off and I watched as a Yellow Dragon was brought into the center of the arena along with a golden egg. I put two and two together and understood what the champions must do. "That's a Swedish Short-Snout," Theo pointed out.

The entire crowd began cheering, "Diggory! Diggory! Diggory!"

I watched as my brother walked out of the tent and he looked rather nervous. I started clapping, "Let's go, Cedric!"

Cedric looked at the dragon and dodged the fire, he seemed to have used a transfiguration spell to turn a literal rock into a labrador. His plan appeared to be working, the dog was distracting the dragon. Cedric ran for the egg but just as he grabbed it, the dragon looked at him and shot fire at him. Cedric dodged it but barely. I watched him grab at the side of his face. "Oh shit,"

"What?" Mattheo asked.

"He's hurt,"

The dragon was taken away after Cedric completed the task. The arena erupted in cheers, including me, Pansy and I waved the sign around and I couldn't have been more proud of my brother than I currently was.

I heard my brother in my head though, he must have used legilimency, "I need you,"

I got up and walked away without saying a word. "Where's my brother?" I asked Professor Sprout.

"This way dear,"

I followed Sprout and gasped upon seeing my brother, he was getting a thick orange paste slathered on his face. "You got burned, are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just knew that you saw that and didn't need you panicking."

I laughed faintly and gave him a hug, "I knew you could do it."

He didn't respond, he just held onto me. "I love you, Maddi,"

I smiled, "I love you too, Ced,"

"Party tonight in the Hufflepuff common room, you coming?"

I smirked, "Of course I am,"

"Well, I'll see you tonight then,"

I nodded and walked back to my friends, I couldn't help but think that I was so relieved that he was okay. Now to get drunk and party with my brother and friends tonight should be exciting!


Hey! Just real quick, I wanted to note that I know legilimency isn't exactly for talking in each other's heads but in this story, it can be used this way. It will appear in bold AND italics when it is being used. I hope you are all enjoying this story! Love y'all.

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