Late night show with Mati and Coco episode 1

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[ Disclaimer: not an actual chapter]

Matilda: Hey there bishes~

Socorro: oh please don't! Matilda don't call our beloved Audience that Rude nonsense!

Matilda: You're such a joy killer you know! so serious you remind me of Ned!

Socorro: *Scoffing* Like I care less about what you think of me, Anyways!...Welcome dear beloved readers to our occasional 'not so but Still necessary' Talk show!

Where we give you more information about everything and everyone involved in the story, just because we can!

Matilda: Also we might be answering your presumed questions before you get to ask them, questions about anything concerning the story.

Socorro: Since this is our first episode on the Show, we will give you a basic informations list about the characters, We might not included every important character, but we'll include the mains at least.

Also the lists may not be so much of help in understanding the story better, but we'll try to make it fun for you.

Matilda: thank you for joining us on this special night and episode, we hope that you stay loyal and continue being our supportive Audience.

Socorro: Correction, dear beloved Audience! make sure to show love to people.

Matilda: Yeah Yeah whatever...oh right we should start already! And that would be by mentioning that Magic does exist in this world And it's not a secret. *Chuckles*

But Its use is still only for the chosen ones, most people are just average and do not possess any magical powers whatsoever like me, although they can be supernatural creatures!

Socorro: * Facepalm* I just realized we didn't write a script....We should've prepared for a specific topic to talk about.

Maybe... we should talk about how this is what is known as An Alpha-Omega-Verse.

Although it is obvious from the plot, within our world, people are classified by the primary genders known as...*Nudging Matilda*

Matilda: Oh! Male, Female and nonbinary?

Socorro: Correct, and then there's a second category, called secondary-genders...*Nudging again*

Matilda: And that would be... Alpha, beta and Omega, And these genders manifest in a person at any time from around the ages of 12 to 25.

Socorro: Correct again! for example I'm a beta woman, Matilda is an Alpha woman.

Matilda: While beta are considered normal people and conceive Their offsprings the casual way, one male and one female doing the deed.

For alphas and omegas however, primary gender play absolutely no role in the baby-making subject.

Socorro: Alpha are considered to be dominant and mostly aggressive, especially in Their rut which is like a heat period for Alphas.

Though there's exceptions, as in there's few alpha that don't behave the way Alphas usually do, which s nothing unusual.

As for The baby-making subject, Alphas are often referred to as 'Father' by their children, even if the primary gender is a female, their offspring can only be carried by an omegas in most cases.

Matilda: for example me, A female Alpha, I CAN'T carry kids myself and I can't have them with a beta like Socorro.

Socorro: Thank God! *Clears throat* I mean just like Matilda said, betas like me are just your Normal everyday people.

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