Pretty nice coincidence

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"So that's why you're here? Aroon was planning to get Jasper with him and Jasper asked you and Soco to come along?" Thorn said.

Nodding "Yes, I had no idea you were going to be here Thorn...And, I do not know whether Jasper had left that information out on purpose or not." Muriel replied.

"I think it's a pretty nice coincidence, I got to see your hair in a bun Muri, I always love how different your hairstyles are everytime I see you."

"That is Thanks to Socorro, she took time to do my hair in this French Braid Bun...I do like your hair too as well Thorn, this Slick-Back style suits you."

"What do you mean? *chuckles* my hair is always slicked back!" Thorn replied smiling while shaking his head, it caused the red drop earring on his left ear to start dangling a little.

"True, but I always wanted to say that, say that you look better with each time we meet..." A blushing Muriel replied while watching the earring go back and forth slowly, until it eventually stopped.

"I'm glad you still think I look good Muriel, even with my thick framed glasses on."

"I do not understand why people think wearing glasses makes you suddenly ugly! in your case, they make you look serious but not any less...well, Attractive."

Chuckling, Thorn shook his head again, "I never understood why people don't mind their business, people are weird...I remember when a teacher in highschool punished me for being left handed, she said I was unclean and possessed by the devil for it.

I also remember how funny it was when she got kicked out of the school the next day." he said, smiling at the memory as he fiddled with his watch.

"People are weird indeed! everyone assumes I am a woman and treat me as such, I never correct them because when I used to do so and they would figure out I was a man, they would criticize the way I dressed.

Sometimes there is those who know I am an Omega man, so they think it is normal to dress this way because of that, but these very same people, often treat me as if I am labeled fragile on my body.

Sometimes they try to 'put me back in my place' or so they call it...saying I do not belong in the world of business, where alphas rule, because I am an omega.

The only times people went out of their way to be nice to me Aside from Coco, Neddie and his entourage, was to either get into my wallet or my bed." Muriel said while glancing at Socorro who noticed him and smiled his way to encourage him.

" I'm Not So different either, people always come by when they need something, but I find nobody to go to when I need something myself...well, when we had our short fling, it felt like the situation changed a little, I had you for a while." Thorn replied.

"I know, I am sorry for how I treated you earlier Thorn."

" I still don't know what I did wrong...but I'm sorry too, for pushing your buttons."

"You do not have to apologize for that, my buttons were already pushed by the time I saw you."

"What caused it? your outburst, if it wasn't me then what was it?"

"I think I found my mate..." Muriel said shyly.

Thorn blinked for a moment, he looked at Muriel in confusion, "Mate? you mean the legend? like a life long partner? with mating marks and everything?" he questioned.

"Yes, That legend, it is not really a legend..." Muriel replied.

"Who is he then? Your mate?" Thorn replied a bit sad, of course it's not going to be him he thought.

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