Chapter 2. "Blue"

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[ When the stranger took your hand he showed you to your new home]

Your home was F/N [Favorite Color] which you absolutely loved and so the stranger kindly opened the door for you and let you walk in first.
It had some furniture inside and the color inside was your second favorite color which was wonderful, you were sure that you would feel like home here.

???: "I'm sorry if it was rude of me for not introducing myself to you, but my name is "Wally Darling" and what about your name my dear?" He said.

Y/N: " My name is Y/N." You said.

Wally: "What a beautiful name." He told you.

[ You kindly thanked him ]

Wally: "Anyways, I would very much likely introduce you with the neighbors since your the new guest."

Y/N: "Yeah sure I would love to."

Wally: "Great! Come along now let's go meet with the first neighbor."

[ You both exit from your home and went to the house next from yours ]

It was a blue colored house with a polka dot door and so Wally knocks on the door only to hear the sound of the door creaking open and then you are greeted with a blue dog with polka dot spots and a little orange hat.

???: "Oh! Greetings Wally!"

Wally: "Hello Barnaby"

[They both hugged for a moment since they both are best friends and then let go of one another]

???: "Oh, you must be the new neighbor here!" He asked happily

Y/N: "Yup that's me, my name is Y/N nice to meet you Uhm.."

???: "Barnaby, Barnaby B. Beagle" he said shaking you hand, "it's so great to meet you"

Wally: "Did you know that he is really great at telling jokes and doing tricks?" He said.

Barnaby: " Haha, do you wanna hear one?"

Y/N: "Sure?"

Barnaby: "Ok Ok! What do you call a fake noodle?"

Y/N: "Uhh, What do you call it??"

Barnaby: "An Impasta !"

[ Wally laughs ]

Y/N: "Uhh. Ha Ha?" You laugh awkwardly.

Wally: "Hahaha, Nice One Barnaby you always know how to make me laugh." he said while he wipes the tears he has from laughing at his joke.

Barnaby: "Anything for my friends" he smiles

Wally: "Anyways we must get going Barnaby, we have more neighbors to visit."

Barnaby: "Oh Ok, see you guys later and Y/N make sure to stop by to see some of my tricks I can do."

Y/N: "Will do!"

[ You both then wave goodbye to Barnaby and go to the next house ]

[ You both then wave goodbye to Barnaby and go to the next house ]

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