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Students gathered around the back of the room, furthest away from the cabinet. Most of the class had read about boggarts, but this year was when they would be training against them. Skylar knew what would show up for her, she felt her hands getting sweaty just thinking of having to witness a dog.

Rowan noticed her hands grow slick and released it, wiping his own onto his robe in disgust. Skylar kept her hands to herself, she knew having to face this would be a big issue for her.

Sirius noticed how Skylar's hair turned brown, typical reaction when she's upset. It worried him that her immediate reaction was fear, Sirius wanted to stand in front of Skylar but she was already being blocked by Rowan's friend group.
"What's in the cabinet?" Sirius asked Remus who was standing beside him.

"Good question Mr.Black, Mr.Lupin you may speak loud enough for the class to hear" Professor Griffin stated, standing beside the furniture

"A Boggart's inside there" Remus spoke "a shape shifting creature that will assume the form of whatever most frightens the person who encounters it. Typically they hide in cabinets, draws, anything dark"

"10 points to Gryffindor correct" the professor said "anyone know the only spell that works against one?"

Skylar knew, she wanted to raise her hand but kept it down as usual. Rowan put his head next to hers
"What is it?" He asked

He wanted the credit for what she knew
"Riddikulus" she whispered

"Riddikulus" Rowan said confidently

"10 points to Slytherin correct, what does the spell do to the creature?" The Professor asked

Again Rowan leaned down to Skylar
"Makes the boggart into something funny"

"Makes the boggart into something funny" Rowan answered

James rolled his eyes, he saw what Rowan did and didn't like that Skylar let him take advantage of her like that.
Lily rolled her eyes too, unknown to the group she was just as annoyed with Rowan'a actions.

"10 points to Slytherin, thank you Miss.Miller for the answers" the professor said, making the class laugh including Sirius' group who mocked Rowan for his stupidity.

Rowan's face tensed up, he hated being embarrassed. He glared at Skylar like it was her fault, she avoided his stare.

"Who's first?" Griffin said looking around the room, no one stepped forward
"Mr.Jackburn you knew about Riddikulus, you may start the line"
A way to further embarrass Rowan, Sirius and James snickered at Rowan's misfortune.

"Skylar knew it sir she can start" Rowan said back

Sirius stopped laugh
"Coward" he snapped at Rowan

"How about you go first? House of the brave and all" Rowan said to Sirius

Sirius took his challenge again, walking up to the front of the class without any sign of regret. Rowan didn't like his showboating.

Sirius waited for the cabinet to be opened, when it did a version of himself appeared. Skylar looked passed Rowan to see what was going on, she couldn't tell why Sirius would see himself as his biggest fear until she began noticing small details that most wouldn't.

His long tamed hair was matted, his eyes were hollowed, skin leaked of color, his smile was malicious. What Sirius saw was himself, as a dark wizard. Something he feared would happen if he hadn't been placed in Gryffindor. Skylar knew this class was going to be tough, it was a good thing they had lunch after most would need time to recover from the trauma.

Sirius took no time pulling out his wand and casting the charm to demolish his boggart. Sirius turned from a dark wizard to himself passing around fireworks and laughing hysterical from the mayhem. This was the Sirius everyone saw, it was comical in itself that his boggart turned into that.

"Good show of bravery, 10 points to Gryffindor" Griffin said "who's next?"

Students made a line to the cabinet. James was next to face his fear, not wanting to be shown up by his best friend. Skylar was one of the very last including Remus, both were hoping that class would end before they had to face their fears. She knew what his would be, the moon. He hates transforming into a werewolf, but he's also nervous that someone will be able to figure out what his condition is if his fear is exposed. You would never be able to guess he was full of fear though, he rubbed Skylar's back the entire time they were in line. Comforting her while Rowan made his way to the front, having a point to prove against Sirius.

"It's ok" Remus said to Skylar softly
Her whole body was shaking

"I'm pathetic" she said back

"Not even close" he said

James' fear was being old and bald. Rowan's was losing the Quidditch cup to Gryffindor. Lily's fear was spiders. Peter's was a giant mouse trap. Severus' was Lily telling him off James mentioned how he wished it was real to Sirius, almost everyone went to the cabinet except for Remus and Skylar.

Remus took a deep breath and began walking ahead of Skylar to take on his fear, but she stopped him. She passed her friend and stood waiting for the creature to appear. No one in the room knew what would show up. Not even Lily. The only person who knew what happened to her parents was Liam.

The cabinet door opened and a large black dog charged after her. She jumped back, falling onto her ass. The dog barked and growled viciously into her face, drool piling onto the floor by her feet. Her whole body was shaking, she couldn't think of the spell to rid of the creature. All she could do was hyperventilate.

Skylar hasn't been this close to a dog since her parents' death. Anytime she almost walked in the same path as one she found a way to avoid it. It continued to bark and show its teeth until she heard someone in the crowd yell her name.

"You've got it Skylar!!" James said confidently.

Sirius stared at her boggarts form with deep sadness. Remus Peter and James all knew why. The four of them became animagus last year to be around Remus while he transformed. James was a stag, Peter was a rat, Remus was a werewolf...Sirius was a large black dog. Almost exactly like what is standing over Skylar causing her pain. He was her biggest fear and he didn't know what to do with that information.

"R-R-Riddikulus" she said petrified

The dog went from being feral to attempting to lick her face, she backed away until her body smacked into someone's legs. The dog walked around the room wagging its tail to everyone.

Skylar looked at the boggart and then at the cabinet
"Bombarda" she said towards its hideaway

The creature shrieked as it's container exploded, debris flew around the room smacking into students. Skylar closed her eyes and covered her face, someone's body shielded her own. The only reason she knew was that she noticed nothing smacked into her. When she opened her vision again she saw Sirius was standing in front of her while Rowan was in the back of the classroom again, shielding himself from the flying wood pieces.

The Professor walked over to Skylar
"Detention Miss.Miller and 20 points from Slytherin. That was not the point of this exercise. You may apologize to Mr.Lupin, he was the only one who didn't get to practice against the creature"

Skylar got off the ground with the help of Sirius and James who was behind her, the one she bumped into when she was cowering from dog
"I'm sorry" she said to Remus

"Thank you" he said back
The class would think he was being polite but that wasnt what he was thanking her for. Griffin was satisfied with their apology and made the class move back to their original room.

Skylar destroyed the cabinet to save him from showing his fear, to save him from being exposed. She got a detention for his sake, something he could never repay her enough for.

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